Your love, oh Lord shines so bright
That no dark clouds,
could ever fade away the light
Even on my stormiest days,
Your love will never be washed away…
These are words of the title song of a recently released album ‘Washed Away’ and the powerful voice behind this is of Taylor Carpenter. Based out of San Diego, 19 year old Taylor suffers from a severe physical disorder called “Brittle Bones”, which means that the bones in her body are very fragile and prone to multiple fractures even with a slightest force.
Instead of choosing to live a pitiful life, the wheelchair bound Taylor decided to use her gifts to give glory to God. Her album features 10 songs along with a music video for the title track (see the video track at the end of this post). “Since Jesus is our one and only true source of love, strength, hope, and peace, these songs come from a pure and honest place in my heart that comes out when I sing,” says Taylor.
Why me, God?
It has not been an easy journey for Taylor. Born in a Christian family, her heart was bitter towards Jesus. “God if you really love me, you would not allow me to go through this suffering,” she would cry out.
It was during one such difficult time in the hospital that Taylor’s mom gave her the scripture Philippians 4:13 (I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me), assuring her that with Jesus on her side she could endure anything.
But Taylor’s journey was just starting. A car accident in 6th grade left Taylor with a broken pelvis, both hips broken, and a broken wrist. Taylor, in a body cast (which she was used to after 13 surgeries) recalls time in her room scolding God for allowing her to be in pain, asking why He could not have made life easier.
It was during this time that God used a youth pastor in her area who reminded Taylor that her life was a gift and enabled her to see the goodness of God even in the midst of her trials. Throughout constant and continuous medical visits and surgeries, God began His work in Taylor.
During her freshman year, she learned simple chords from her worship pastor and forced herself to practice her ‘gift of song’ regularly. What followed was God’s continued grace as He began to inspire Taylor to songwriting.
Every trial, a way to praise God
Carpenter currently leads the worship for her high school ministry and she has inspired many people, even to tears, during her time ministering to the congregation through her musical talent. Taylor now sees every struggle and broken bone as a way to praise God because it could be so much worse.
“I pray and thank God for each new day of my life, and for my incredible family. My prayer is that my songs will not only bless you but help you to know that God is real and alive and that He loves you. Having “pity parties” and focusing on your problems slows things down. However, focusing on God, opens up doors that no man can shut.”