Your God is Too Faithful to Fail you (Powerful Audio-Video)

Your God is Too Faithful to Fail you (Powerful Audio-Video)

Last year my dad went to be with the Lord. As he lay in an unconscious state on the hospital bed for weeks together, God was teaching me that He is faithful and how experiences around me don’t define it. I believe this season is forever etched in my faith journey with my God. One particular song that became my repeat mode-companion then was: Mention of Your Name by Jenn Johnson (Bethel Music), especially the words, “You are my strength, You are my anchor, And You never fail

It was during this time God was led me to do something that I have never done before and start Soar Girls Take Off, bi-monthly zoom meets exclusively for girls so He could unveil His heart to his daughters like never before. (If you are not a part of it yet, I want to invite you to come and taste my God. For details go here: or check out our Youtube Channel HERE

At this time I also began compiling scriptures on God’s faithfulness, and the result is this audio-video! Each of the scripture here is personally handpicked by the Holy Spirit for you over months, and not a result of Google Search.

Powerful Confessions

I pray that this 9+ min video/audio will stir up your faith and remind you that your God is too faithful to fail you! Keep hearing it often, and on-the-go till these promises become a part of you.

Forever amazed at His Faithful grip,


Author Kim D’souza

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Conversation with Sharon Kim | Soar Girls Podcast

Conversation with Sharon Kim | Soar Girls Podcast

Listen to this Jesus Conversation with Sharon Kim, a young Christian artist, and entrepreneur from California. She has sailed through different seasons of her life and has embraced God’s beautiful purpose through it.

In this episode, we talk about growing as a Woman of Christ, Navigating Singlehood, Walking in your Calling, and Handling Depression & Distractions, among other talks.

Conversation with Sharon Kim | Soar Girls Podcast


Team SoarGirls

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10 Biblical Filters For Your Man – FREE Ebook

10 Biblical Filters For Your Man – FREE Ebook

Hey Girl, are you in a season of waiting upon God’s chosen one for your life? Or are you seeking God to know the qualities that you need to look for in your Man’s life? Well, then this eBook – ‘10 biblical filters for your man’ – is for you!

In this short eBook, we want to share with you 10 Biblical guidelines that you can prayerfully look at in a man before you say “I do”.



If you find these 10 Biblical filters for your man helpful, please do share with us how it helped you to find your God-chosen partner. Also do share with your girlfriends who are in the season of waiting in their lives.

Team Soar Girls

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Part 2: Here’s How To Get The Right Attention!

Part 2: Here’s How To Get The Right Attention!

Last week I wrote about how to get the right kind of attention. We learned from king Ahab how he got the attention of God by responding to God’s Word which is humility and repentance. To read the full post go here: Attention Seeker? Here’s How To Get The Right Attention!


We will dive in a bit deeper on repentance. In The Bible, the Greek word for repentance is metanoia which means change of mind/ thinking. In other words, repentance means changing from your way of thinking to God’s way of thinking.


The act of repentance not only gets God’s attention but the whole of heaven celebrates it. Lord Jesus says in Luke 15:7 “Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.”

Part 2: Here's How To Get The Right Attention!


God Is On A Look Out

In the message version of Isaiah 66:1-2 the Word of God says

“But there is something I’m looking for:

a person simple and plain,

reverently responsive to what I say.

These are the ones I look on with favor:

those who are humble and contrite in spirit,

and who tremble at my word.”

 Wow! God is looking out for people who are responding to His Word! And not only that, He looks at them with favor!


Power of God When You turn

When you obey and turn from your old ways to follow God’s ways or to change from your thinking to God’s thinking, God empowers you with His Spirit upon you and will make His Words known to you.

 In Proverbs 1:23,33 The Word of God says ” If you turn at my reproof(rebuke):

Behold, I will pour out my spirit upon you;

I will make my words known to you…

but whoever listens to me will dwell secure

and will be at ease, without dread of disaster.”

 Remember a man or a woman of God with a humble spirit is the one who depends on God for everything! He no longer trusts in his own strength but he trusts in God’s goodness and strength.

 This week as you repent or change your thinking may you also be dependent on the strength and power of God in everything you do!



Alisha Jose

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Attention Seeker? Here’s How To Get The Right Attention!

Attention Seeker? Here’s How To Get The Right Attention!

Have you ever been an attention seeker?

I know I have in my school days, when I would try to make everyone laugh and would love to hear people’s validations over my life until God had to change me.

In our school/college days all girls wanted attention – one would outdo in make-up, one in pranks, one in-jokes and so on. However, I have learned – To have King Jesus’ attention is far more worthy than to have people’s attention which is futile…

The attention for likes, comments, and validations from people is not what Soar Girls seek, but all we desire is God’s attention.

Attention Seeker


So, if you find yourself to be an attention seeker, let us learn from King Ahab’s life how to get the right attention.

In 1 Kings 21:25 -26 the Word of God says: There was none who sold Himself to do what was evil in the sight of the Lord like Ahab, whom Jezebel his wife incited. He acted very abominably….

That means King Ahab was the worst sinner! He did the worst things in the eyes of the Lord that it really displeased God.

The Word and Consequences

What next ? God then sends Elijah the Tishbite to prophesy King Ahab’s doom.

I always believe when God sends you a Word, if you don’t it hear once, He sends it twice or thrice and that is God’s mercy. When God sends you someone to correct you, again it is God’s mercy for you. And when someone comes with that correction, know that someone really loves you.

But then if you don’t listen and refuse to hear, consequences of sin come upon you. Proverbs 1:29-31 (AMP) says:

Because they hated knowledge
And did not choose the fear of the Lord [that is, obeying Him with reverence and awe-filled respect],
They would not accept my counsel,
And they spurned all my rebuke.
“Therefore they shall eat of the fruit of their own [wicked] way
And be satiated with [the penalty of] their own devices.

 The Response that counts

1 Kings 21:27 says And when Ahab heard those words , he tore his clothes and put a sackcloth on his flesh and fasted and lay in sackcloth and went about dejectedly. _
And the word of the Lord came to Elijah the Tishbite ,saying ,Have you seen how Ahab has humbled Himself before me , I will not bring the disaster in his days but in his son’s days I will bring the disaster upon his house._

I love how the Lord says to Elijah ” Have you seen how Ahab humbled himself before me“.

This is what I want to draw your attention to. King Ahab was the most wicked person living that time, and yet he could capture God’s attention because of his response to the Word of God delivered by Elijah.

If the most wicked king can get God’s attention by his response to the Word of God then how much more we?

When we humble ourselves before God and repent i.e. change our thinking, or change our ways, it gets God’s attention. Remember seeking the King’s attention is far greater than seeking the world’s attention.

This week may we be intentional in responding to His Word and changing our thinking! Will talk about this more in our next post.


Alisha Jose

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