The Power Of Faith Can Overcome Any Limitation

The Power Of Faith Can Overcome Any Limitation

Your limits are not My limits: God

During a recent time of my fellowship with the Holy Spirit, I was reminded of Isaiah 55:8, which says, “My thoughts are not your thoughts…”

I asked the Holy Spirit, “What you mean by that?” And I heard the Lord say, “Your limits are not My limits.”

Child of God, God is saying to you today: Your limits are not My limits.

Remember, without faith, it is impossible to please God. And when we talk about faith, we are going to talk about crazy things because there’s no limit to what God can do. God is looking at somebody, who irrespective of their past background or limitations, can stand on His Word and say “I believe it is possible!”

Favour YT

The radical faith of a Hebrew girl

We know the story of a young Hebrew girl who was kidnapped and made a servant in the house of Naaman the Syrian (2 Kings 5).

She had every reason to be bitter. Imagine, she was free, enjoying her life, and suddenly she was turned into a slave. If we were in her place, we would probably have rolled in self-pity or become bitter, thinking, “Why did this happen to me?” Yet this girl’s attitude was so different; she was a problem solver. That’s how people of faith are. They are problem solvers.

When she saw that her master had leprosy, she didn’t celebrate and take it as revenge. Her focus was not on herself. This girl was filled with faith, and she had a solution for her master’s problem.

“She said to her mistress, “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy. 2 Kings 5:3

Taking limits off God

This little girl had faith that the Prophet in Israel held the key to Naaman’s healing. However in Luke 4:27, Jesus says, “And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and none of them was cleansed except Naaman the Syrian.”

If there was no record of lepers being healed by the prophet, how could this little girl say that Namaan would be healed? It shows that this girl had crazy faith. She had taken the limits off God.

She even knew the location of the prophet!

In those days, prophets were not permanently found in one place. They were in different locations, moving fast. Some even racing chariots! But this girl, without any mobile, GPRS or any modern means of communication, even knew the location of the prophet!

Look at the accuracy with which she was speaking – “The Prophet who is in Samaria”.

And this is my personal revelation: Even if the prophet was not in Samaria, because of her statement of faith, God would have made sure that the prophet was in Samaria.

That’s your God! He moves by faith.

Child of God, whatever season of life you may be in, I want to encourage you not to limit God with your thoughts and words, because our limits are not His limits. Our only limit has to be the Word of God.

Author Kim D’souza


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How to expand your influence in this season. (Part 3 & 4)

How to expand your influence in this season. (Part 3 & 4)

Do you know that as a child of God you do not need to strive to create an influence?

When the rulers and elders of Israel saw how the ordinary disciples, Peter and John were working miracles, they realized that they had been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13).

When you walk with the Light you will begin to create influence without any striving.

Watch Part 3 & 4 of this 4 part series where Author Kim D’Souza expands further on how you can expand your influence in this season by walking with the Light and the importance of moving by faith.

Favour YT
Favour YT


By Team SoarGirls

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How To Expand Your Influence in This Season 👼

How To Expand Your Influence in This Season 👼

God’s standard for His children is this- function as the light in this world. What is light? Light is influence. In this season, God wants to expand your influence.

So, how can you gain your influence and expand to the point where you begin to influence the world?

Watch Part 1 & 2 of this 4 part series by Author Kim D’Souza as she teaches us on how to expand your influence in this season and the power of carrying a thankful heart.

Favour YT
Favour YT


By Team SoarGirls

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7 Declarations Of Favour + Bookmarks

7 Declarations Of Favour + Bookmarks

Favour is God’s way if elevating you. It is God’s ‘partiality’ towards you. And one moment of God’s favour can save us years of Labour. Here are 7 powerful declarations of Favour based on God’s Word that will transform your life.

Favour YT

Enjoy these printable bookmarks available in 6+ designs for a size 2 by 6 inches. Contains 7 powerful favour declarations based on God’s Word that can transform your life. Just click, download, print and use! Written by: Kim Dsouza


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You Choose Your Fears!

You Choose Your Fears!

A couple of days ago, as I woke up in the morning, within a flash of seconds I saw something that felt so real. I saw a sizable group of people filled with fear, shivering in terror at the sight of something. It was the sight of a new year being unveiled. While the world was celebrating in anticipation for what 2024 holds, this weird group of people were sitting in the dark and were traumatized at the sight of the new year’s sun rise.


In my spirit, I knew what I was a seeing was a reality and I began to pray for this group of people.

Precious Holy Spirit spoke to me saying: “Tell my Body – It’s you who choose your fears.”

If you believe in your fears so much, they will work for you, just as the principle of faith works. For instance, if you fear things will become worse for you in your job and keep meditating on it, before long you shall see your fears manifest. If you fear that sickness will come for you, it surely will. If you have fears in your heart that you will never get married, those fears will bring that fruit to you. Job said: For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me ( Job 3:25 ).

Just as God gets attracted to faith, fears draw the presence of demons to you.

God is blatant in saying that He has not given His children a spirit of fear, but of power, love and of a sound mind ( 2 Tim 1:7 ).

Be rooted and steadfast in the Word of God. Know that Jeremiah 29:11 is a reality, when God says: For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Child of God, you choose your fears, so choose well. Choose the fear of the Lord over and above everything else. His Word is your protection and peace.


Author Kim D’souza

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What I Learned From The Dried Lemon Tree🍋

What I Learned From The Dried Lemon Tree🍋

Due to some neglect, my lemon tree completely dried up. This lemon tree is no ordinary tree I purchased from the nursery. In a season of learning about seeds in the Kingdom of God from my spiritual father, Pastor Derrick D’souza, 4 years ago, I planted this seed from its fruit. I planted and watered this lemon tree, and seeing it grow was like seeing the glorious works of Yahweh.

With little understanding, I remember pruning it when it grew vertically because I wanted it to be a certain height so that it looked appealing.

A friend had come over, and as soon as she looked at the tree, she said, “Ohh, the tree is gone; you should throw it.” Now, she was not wrong; the neglect had dried all the leaves; it looked as good as dead, and watering it seemed like a waste of time. But I smiled at her and said: “It will come to life.”

Lemon Tree

Look, I don’t know anything about gardening, but I know how to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. I heard Him say these words to me: “It will come to life,” before it happened, and all I merely did was repeat those words.

After 15 days of faithfully watering the lemon tree, I noticed it had grown fresh leaves today. I laughed at the enemy, as good as dead, you said. The God of my father is a God of resurrection.

Two things I learned from the Lemon tree:

1. Being rooted in Christ

Even after months of neglect with no sunlight or water, the lemon tree could sprout back because it was rooted. When you fail, do not be disheartened. Just smile and say, “It will come to life.” Suddenly, you will see fresh green leaves – I call it the sweet, sweet grace of our Father in your life.

To be rooted in Christ means Jesus provides all the essential nutrients we need to grow and bear fruit and also provides the foundation we need to stand firm when we face trials or tough seasons.

“As you, therefore, have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.” Colossians 2:6-7

So, If the enemy tells you it’s over, know that your roots are strong enough for you to spring back.

2. God is working, even when you don’t see it.

You may not see any change in your situation right now, but know that God is working. Don’t settle for what the world has to say about your life; your God’s steadfast love never ceases, and His mercies do not end.

“Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

Let His mercy locate you every morning.

Girl, what you invest your time in today will help you get through challenging times. Me pruning the tree made the roots stronger for it to thrive in a time of drought.

Similarly, as you spend time building your roots on the Word of God, you will thrive when others are barely surviving.


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