Waiting for Your Breakthrough for Long?

Waiting for Your Breakthrough for Long?

Daughters of the most High God, there must be several things or areas we are waiting on God for in our lives. And if we’ve been waiting for quite some time, it becomes difficult to believe that breakthroughs can happen to us. Someone else? Yes, but me? Not sure!

When nothing seems to work..

There was a time in my life when nothing seemed to work. Doors that I thought would open for me never opened. Many times, I found myself weeping with a broken heart in front of closed doors.


Grieve came in waves when the realisation hit that I’d been chasing after dreams never meant for me. My heart regretted thinking about the time I wasted sincerely trying to walk in areas not meant for me in the first place.

While I prayed with all my heart for others to receive their breakthroughs and witnessed one friend after the other stepping into the choice of their career, stepping into new lands with dreams, hopes and excitement, here I was year after year, happy for others but crying behind closed doors for myself; everyone’s go-to person for prayer but unable to navigate my own way out.

If I tried taking one step forward, the enemy would try to pull me back 10 steps behind. Lies began to creep into my heart and my mind: maybe my Heavenly Father doesn’t love me; maybe I’m not good enough for Him; maybe there are people much better than me that my Father adores; maybe I’ve been overlooked; maybe, just maybe He left me in a waiting room and simply forgot about me!

As time passed, it became difficult to believe that I could see a light at the end of my tunnel.

When God sends a Deliverer..

“Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel has come to Me, and I have also seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them. Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.”
Exodus 3: 9-10 NKJV

We see every time in the Bible when the Lord wanted to deliver His people, He sent a man/woman. When the cries of the children of Israel reached God, He sent Moses to deliver them from the hands of the pharaoh. This principle applies to the people of God even to this day.

Could it be that breakthroughs we wanted stopped short because we couldn’t recognise, were ignorant, hard-hearted or were full of ego to humble ourselves and submit ourselves to the one ‘Sent’ to us? When the Hebrews initially rejected Moses, they had to wait another 40 years to be finally ushered out of Egypt.

“When hope’s dream seems to drag on and on, the delay can be depressing. But when at last your dream comes true, life’s sweetness will satisfy your soul”.
Proverbs 13:12 TPT

After finding myself in a wilderness for several years, the Lord connected me to a stream of which I began to partake of. And the keys to my breakthrough lay in that stream. My breakthrough lay with the ‘Man and Woman of God’ sent to me.

As I began to attend Bible studies, prayer meetings and church service regularly, I often heard the man and woman of God (my spiritual parents) say, ‘Don’t tell me you serve this Jesus and remain jobless.’ They would challenge my understanding and say, “Show me one person in the Bible who served this God and remained poor.”

They would encourage us to focus on building our inner man, to keep building our altars diligently and to focus on our relationship with God, and the rest shall be added unto us.

When dreams finally come true..

And indeed, after less than a year of connecting to that stream, I got a good job. I could financially invest in God’s Kingdom. The chains and shackles the enemy had put on me to keep pulling me behind came down in one full blow. Now, it was my turn to pack my bags and move to a different location with dreams and excitement.

As I entered 2023, my spiritual parents declared that this was the year of possessing the promised land that the Lord was giving us. The Lord put on my heart to set up my own business. For someone who had always lived in the comfort of a meagre monthly salary, it was a leap of faith, but since I’m connected to a ‘house of faith’ (my church), I took the leap and soon got a contract from a production house.

I couldn’t believe it was finally happening to me! Daughter of the most high, take heart: if God did it for me, then He can truly do it for you. For someone like me, the more painful it became waiting in what seemed to be an endless tunnel, the sweeter it became when I stepped out of the tunnel and into the light.

Ask the Lord to show you the Woman / Man of God sent to you because you can go to church all your life and yet remain stuck in the same place for years unless your deliverer brings you out of your Egypt; diligently keep investing financially in the Kingdom, and believe He who promised is truly faithful. In due time, you, too, shall come out of your wilderness. Rest assured, your breakthrough is just around the corner. This Father we serve is too good.

Nadia Feroz

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How to Be an Esther in This Generation 👸

How to Be an Esther in This Generation 👸

The Book of Esther is a true story of how a Jewish girl went from the girl next door to the Queen of Persia. There are so many lessons we can learn from the life of Esther to prepare us for a life-changing encounter with the King.

In this post, I want to share 5 lessons I learned from my meditation on the Book of Esther.


1/ Know Your Worth

“So if it please the king, we suggest that you issue a written decree, a law of the Persians and Medes that cannot be revoked. It should order that Queen Vashti be forever banished from the presence of King Xerxes, and that the king should choose another queen more worthy than she.”
Esther 1:19

Our family, friends and society often label us based on what they see on the outside. We often base our worth on what others say about us or how much we have achieved in life. Sometimes, we define ourselves by the mistakes we have made.

However, our true worth is found in nothing but the Word. The Word of God is our mirror of how God sees us and what He says about us. This is where our worth must be found, defined and established.

God sees you beyond just the natural because He is the One who created you. When He looks at you, He doesn’t see a bunch of mistakes. Instead, He sees a daughter washed by the Blood of His Son Jesus.

Know today that you are a queen and you are accepted by the King of kings. In His sight, you are more worthy than any labels put on you by yourself or by the world.

2/ Pursue Purity

“Then the king’s personal attendants proposed, “Let a search be made for beautiful young virgins for the king.”
Esther 2:2

Do you know that when you have surrendered your life to Christ, He calls you a virgin despite any foolish mistake you have made in the past?

“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”
2 Corinthians 5:21

The temptations of this world may be real, and He understands our weakness. But He is a Holy God, and He wants His children to walk in holiness and purity. May we persevere not only to keep our physical bodies clean but also to keep our hearts clean.

“For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.”
2 Corinthians 11:2

3/ Submitting to God’s authority

“Then the king’s servants who attended him said: “Let beautiful young virgins be sought for the king; and let the king appoint officers in all the provinces of his kingdom, that they may gather all the beautiful young virgins to Shushan the citadel, into the women’s quarters, under the custody of Hegai the king’s eunuch, custodian of the women.”
Esther 2:2-3

Esther couldn’t walk directly into the king’s presence because she wasn’t prepared to meet the king. Before she could meet the king, she had to be placed under the custody/authority of Hegai, the king’s eunuch, who prepared her for 12 months before she met the king.

It is important to submit yourself to the man and women of God whom God has placed over your life. The Bible says in Hebrews 13:17, “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.”

Self-deception is easy when a Christian does not submit to God’s authority. Find a spirit-led church that can guide you in God’s ways and help you grow in your spiritual life so that you can find and walk in your God destiny. These men and women of God who have gone ahead of you can help you prepare for your encounter with the King of kings.

4/ Embracing the new life

“Esther had not made known her people or kindred, for Mordecai had commanded her not to make it known.”
Esther 2:10

When God calls you into a new life or a new assignment, don’t allow your past or your family background to limit Him from doing what He wants to do in your life.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

Also, Ephesians 4:24 says, “and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.”

When we understand this, it is easy to bring changes in our lives so that we may reflect Christ and the new life He gives us in every area. May we walk unhindered by the past or our background in this new life God has called us to live.

5/ Trust and win!

After 12 months of preparation, it was finally Esther’s turn to meet the king. And this is what the Bible says:

“the king loved Esther more than all the women, and she won grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins, so that he set the royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti.”
Esther 2:17

Wow! This is your story and my story. We are loved, approved and accepted by the King of kings. Be glad and rejoice in this.

Let me declare this about you today- You are loved by the King of kings; you have won grace and favor in His sight more than all your companions, and on your head is a royal crown for you are a daughter of the Most High God.

I pray that you know who you are in Christ, know your worth, find your calling and live worthy of it. Remember, one encounter with the King can change your entire life.

May you have victory in Jesus’ mighty name.

This post is written by our guest writer Neha Shah

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10 Images for you to NOT Give Up on Life (FREE RESOURCE)

10 Images for you to NOT Give Up on Life (FREE RESOURCE)

Are you Broken? Sad? Depressed? Tired of living, so much so that you want to give up?

Ahh, don’t believe the lies in your head because the reality is that you are much loved – more than you than ever think of!

We made this pic-resource especially for you. A picture speaks a thousand words. Indeed, when its painted by God.

Do not give up on life

Here are 10 images that will change your mind about giving up on life..

Come on, rise up and soar!

Team Soar Girls
(Image courtesy: Canva Images)

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I Have Been Making A Prayer 🙏

I Have Been Making A Prayer 🙏

Of late, I have been making a prayer to God saying,

“May what I know, not limit you from doing what you can in my life.”

I realised many times we have too much knowledge in our heads – we know how church is “done”, we know which scriptures to quote, which song to sing, what prayer to make, and yet in all this, we limit God forgetting that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask, think or imagine.

my prayer

Once when Jesus was in the region of Tyre and Sidon and entered a house, there were two types of people who got a chance to encounter Him. One type represented those who knew too much “about Jesus”, and other who knew about Him, but moved beyond that knowledge, removing limits off God and thus received a breakthrough.

From there He arose and went to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And He entered a house and wanted no one to know it, but He could not be hidden ( Mark 7:24)

Jesus wanted no one to know that he was in this house, but these set of people in the region knew it. They knew too much. They had perceived the move of God and gathered. Some of them must have reached before Jesus. But the Bible doesn’t consider mentioning or highlighting any miracle that Jesus did for them. He came, and He departed.

But in the midst of all these, there was one Syro-Phoenician woman who also knew something about Jesus. She knew that He was not sent for her. But she didn’t allow what she knew to limit her from contending with God for a miracle for her daughter. And her great faith made Jesus grant her what she desired.

While there were many others in the house who could have received a healing from Jesus. In fact, according to Jesus, the healing belonged to them – it was their bread, but they allowed what they knew to limit the hand of God.

Beloved, I want to encourage you to take your limits off God. What impossible you can believe Him for, is what you will see Him manifest in your life.

Lord may my knowledge of you, not limit You from doing what You can in my life. May my knowledge of you not be stagnant, but may I grow in my revelation of who you are and what you can do!

Author Kim D’Souza

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From Journalist To Evangelist (Interview) + New Workshop

From Journalist To Evangelist (Interview) + New Workshop

After 17 years in television journalism, the Lord called our guest out to share the Good News of the Gospel instead of the bad news everyday. Her vision is to see men and women set free! She believes we are not victims of our circumstances– but rather VICTORS!



As girls, a majority of us have gone through some kind of abuse – physical or emotional in our past – as a child or as a youth. But that’s not the end of your story. Come, be a part of our upcoming workshop – custom-designed especially for you. Yes YOU! Get rid of your scars and get ready to soar high!

Date: 30th September, Saturday

Time: 11:00 AM IST

(Convert to your timezone)

Registration Fees: Rs 500 only

. (If you reside outside India, ping us on our whatsapp and we will guide you)

Platform: Online on Zoom


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But I Have Tested Him And He Is on My Team 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

But I Have Tested Him And He Is on My Team 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

When situations come to test you, when problems come your way, do you end up doubting the love of God? Do you begin to question if He is actually with you? Do you feel as though God is angry with you and punishing you for some sin you committed?

Today, let’s put an end to this argument.

I want you to imagine this.

You have done something awful and brutal, like committing a murder, and it is confirmed publicly that you are guilty; even you know in your heart that you have done it. Now you deserve the punishment, and the situation demands that justice be done.

He loves me

In that situation, your Father stands up and says, “Leave her out of this; take me instead, and I will take her place.”

And you stand there with the entire city being called, and right before your eyes, your Father is beaten mercilessly to the point that He is disfigured, completely stripped and mocked and spat on.

At that point, if somebody comes and asks you if your Father really loves you, what will be your reaction?

Pause and think.

I’m sure there won’t be even a moment of doubt in your head because you have seen what has happened. And I’m sure that at this point, you will doubt the entire world, but you will not doubt your Father because now His love is tested, and you are fully convinced that He is for you and that His love will never fail.


Daughter, hasn’t your God done exactly the same for you? The Bible says, in Romans 8:31-32 (NKJV), “What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

Then why do you doubt when you face problems in your life? Why do you waver? Why do you still question this good, good Father who stripped Himself completely for you?

Let this one thing be tested and proved in your life, that He loves you and that He is for you!

Let this become your declaration whenever a problem comes- “But I have tested Him, and He is on my team.”

So next time when somebody says, “Hey, look at you! You are not even married; everyone else is married“, stand up and say, “But, I have tested Him, and He is on my team.”

When somebody says, “Look at you, you don’t even have a job; look at your friends, they’ve all gone abroad to study, and nothing is happening in your life.”

What is going to be your response? “But I have tested Him, and He is on my team.”

When somebody says, “Look at you, how weak you are, you are struggling”, get up and shout, “But, I have tested Him, and He is on my team.”

Tomorrow when problems come your way, I want you to remember this line and remember your Father. If He did not spare His only Son for you, what makes you think you’re less loved? What makes you think that you are a nobody? What makes you feel that your life is without purpose?

From this day on, every time a situation comes to mock you, every time that addiction comes and tells you there is no hope for you, will you remember this line?

“But I have tested Him, and I know, and I know, and I know that He is on my side!!”

Team SoarGirls

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