I Have Been Making A Prayer 🙏

I Have Been Making A Prayer 🙏

Of late, I have been making a prayer to God saying,

“May what I know, not limit you from doing what you can in my life.”

I realised many times we have too much knowledge in our heads – we know how church is “done”, we know which scriptures to quote, which song to sing, what prayer to make, and yet in all this, we limit God forgetting that He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask, think or imagine.

my prayer

Once when Jesus was in the region of Tyre and Sidon and entered a house, there were two types of people who got a chance to encounter Him. One type represented those who knew too much “about Jesus”, and other who knew about Him, but moved beyond that knowledge, removing limits off God and thus received a breakthrough.

From there He arose and went to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And He entered a house and wanted no one to know it, but He could not be hidden ( Mark 7:24)

Jesus wanted no one to know that he was in this house, but these set of people in the region knew it. They knew too much. They had perceived the move of God and gathered. Some of them must have reached before Jesus. But the Bible doesn’t consider mentioning or highlighting any miracle that Jesus did for them. He came, and He departed.

But in the midst of all these, there was one Syro-Phoenician woman who also knew something about Jesus. She knew that He was not sent for her. But she didn’t allow what she knew to limit her from contending with God for a miracle for her daughter. And her great faith made Jesus grant her what she desired.

While there were many others in the house who could have received a healing from Jesus. In fact, according to Jesus, the healing belonged to them – it was their bread, but they allowed what they knew to limit the hand of God.

Beloved, I want to encourage you to take your limits off God. What impossible you can believe Him for, is what you will see Him manifest in your life.

Lord may my knowledge of you, not limit You from doing what You can in my life. May my knowledge of you not be stagnant, but may I grow in my revelation of who you are and what you can do!

Author Kim D’Souza

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From Journalist To Evangelist (Interview) + New Workshop

From Journalist To Evangelist (Interview) + New Workshop

After 17 years in television journalism, the Lord called our guest out to share the Good News of the Gospel instead of the bad news everyday. Her vision is to see men and women set free! She believes we are not victims of our circumstances– but rather VICTORS!



As girls, a majority of us have gone through some kind of abuse – physical or emotional in our past – as a child or as a youth. But that’s not the end of your story. Come, be a part of our upcoming workshop – custom-designed especially for you. Yes YOU! Get rid of your scars and get ready to soar high!

Date: 30th September, Saturday

Time: 11:00 AM IST

(Convert to your timezone)

Registration Fees: Rs 500 only

. (If you reside outside India, ping us on our whatsapp and we will guide you)

Platform: Online on Zoom


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Tarot Cards & Zodiac Signs (NEW BOOK ALERT 🔔📢🎉)

Tarot Cards & Zodiac Signs (NEW BOOK ALERT 🔔📢🎉)

Tarot Cards & Zodiac Signs are New Age trends that are finding great appeal to anxious youngsters who are spending too much time online, alone, thinking about themselves and what is going on in the world.

Tarot Cards

Question is: Are these solutions or gateway to deeper problems?

A little bit fun is okay or am I playing with fire?

This short, quick-read book will give you the telltale signs you will see in those who are hooked to Tarot Cards & Zodiac Signs, and the Domino effect of what happens further.

Could there be something better than an astrological DNA?

You will find out in this book!

New Resource: For FREE for a limited time!

Soar Girls is giving away this resource for FREE for a week till Sept 7, following which the Ebook would be available for INR 199.

So go ahead and take advantage of our FREE download period!!

Team Soar Girls


Tarot Cards & Zodiac Signs

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Shh…Addicted to Porn? Your 1 Step to Freedom

Shh…Addicted to Porn? Your 1 Step to Freedom

Freedom from porn addiction.

Alright, you know porn is bad.

Watching porn makes you feel dirty and condemned.

I am sure you agree with me that pornography is from the pit of hell. It is filthy, destroys our idea about sex, and corrupts our thinking.

But here is where you are stuck.

It has become an addiction. You have been hiding this from those around you. You have tried many online accountability sites to get rid of this habit, but nothing seems to be working.

There is hope

Let me tell you, this is not by chance that you are reading this. If you are fed up with your pornographic addiction and crying out for freedom, please trust me with this one key.

Only ONE.

Follow this, and I am praying that it will trigger a move that will break the hold of pornography over your life.

The quickest way to your breakthrough from a sin is to EXPOSE it (And yes pornography is a sin!)

Never forget this – What you hide has power over your life.

The devil wants you to conceal your addiction to pornography, and he will bring you reasons likeshame, fear, guilt to keep you from exposing it.

John 3:20 says, Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

You see, the devil is not interested in just playing hide and seek with you. He has only one agenda and that is to knock you out of God’s plan for your life and to completely destroy you and the lives that are connected to you.

Even as you read this, don’t delay

Take a step of faith and expose your struggle with a same-sex mentor, pastor or someone who is mature in the Lord, who can pray with you and guide you. The Bible says confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed (James 5:16). Make sure this person should be filled with the Holy Spirit and the Word and living a life glorifying Jesus.

Trample that fear and shame and make this conversation face to face. No whatsapp. No SMS. Just speak your heart out. And allow God to do the rest!

Team Soar Girls

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Fear of Dark? Be Set Free Now!

Fear of Dark? Be Set Free Now!


How many of you have a fear of dark? Does this fear keeps you from sleeping or wakes you up in the middle of the night? Is it like a storm of negative thoughts that rage a battle in your mind when evening fades, and there seems to be no escape? We believe this post will set you free. Remember these 5 things:

1. Your Father is the creator of nights

God is the creator of nights (Genesis 1:5) and He created the moon and stars to govern the night (Genesis 1:16) and God is exalted as head over all (1Chr 29:11-12). Once you digest this truth, know that as a child of God, you have authority over the night and every power of darkness. There is absolutely nothing that can match up to the power of the Spirit of Jesus inside you, whether it is day or night. The name of Jesus makes every darkness tremble! Wake up to the authority that God has given you and everyday command order in your night and commit your hours of sleep to the Lord. God says: I give my beloved sleep (Psalm 127:2).

2. Face your fears head on

Running away from your fears is not an option, fight it head on. God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). What God has not given you, why are you gullible enough to accept it? Use the sword of the Word of God and resist every trash from the enemy. Out loud declare every fear to leave. Get aggressive in what God says about you. Night shines bright as day and darkness is as light to God (Psalm 139:12) and so shall it will be for you. I believe that years of fear-filled nights and trauma will be broken for you right now in the name of Jesus.

3. Guard your senses

Just as faith comes by hearing, fear too comes by hearing. It’s what we hear and receive into our hearts through our senses that begins to project pictures in our imagination. So what are you feeding your mind most of the time? Are you looking at pictures that bring in fear, are you hearing experiences that make you shiver? Cut out the ungodly influences over your life, and you will be successful in choking majority of your fears. Instead feed (not just read) on the Word of God and your faith will grow. Let your room resound with worship music every night. Spend time praying in tongues. Paste scriptures of courage and boldness all around your bedroom walls. If this post encouraged you, write back to us. Share with us your struggles with unforgiveness, and we would be happy to pray for you.


4. What you do before you sleep matters

During the night time, somehow things always look magnified – like if you hear some worrisome news, your fears and imagination becomes magnified. That’s why the Bible says, Meditate upon my Word day and night (Joshua 1:8). Instead of your phone or television, dwell on the Word of God and use your time before sleep especially to magnify your God. The Psalmist says, On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of night (Psalm 63:6). Don’t allow worry, anxiety to be your portion. Meditate on the promises of God – The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night (Psalm 121:6). God is my pillar of fire in the night (Exodus 13:21). Thank God for his faithfulness every night (Psalms 92:2)

5. Know what the devil is fighting!

Dreams are a powerful channel for God to communicate, and the devil is trying hard to hijack this channel by adulterating it and also through sleeplessness. So guard your eyes and what they see! Know what the devil is fighting – Jacob had an encounter with God when he was alone at night (Genesis 32:22-32). Secrets were revealed to Daniel in night visions (Daniel 2:19). You can make your nights a season of encounter! Start celebrating your nights instead of fearing them. May you get divine songs in the night (Job 35:10). May your nights open up divine wisdom and divine instruction from God (Psalm 16:7). May you get prophetic dreams (Matthew 2:13, Acts 2:17, Matthew 2:19).

Come on, child of God, rise up and stand. Live not one second more in the fear of dark or night. You have a name that makes darkness tremble!

Team Soar Girls

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Are You Bitter? It’s Time To Let Go

Are You Bitter? It’s Time To Let Go

“And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.” *Mark 11:25*

LET GO- this is one of the most liberating things you can hear today, especially if you have been bitter in your heart and have been holding onto unforgiveness for a long time. Bitterness keeps you bound, robs you of joy and hinders you from living a fulfilled life. Whereas forgiveness liberates you, brings happiness and helps you live an abundant life.

Now you might be deeply hurt by someone and asking, “Why should I forgive this person?” I get it. I have asked the same question myself a few times in the past.

Here are few reasons why you must forgive and let go of that bitterness:


The cost of holding onto that bitterness is greater

Many times there is a false sense of achievement in bitterness. You can be deceived into thinking that you are gaining something by holding onto a grudge. The truth is the longer you hold onto unforgiveness, knowingly or unknowingly, it is you who suffer, not the one you are bitter towards.

“..that no ‘root of bitterness’ springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled.” Hebrews 12:5

It is a hindrance in your journey with the Lord

When I fully surrendered my life to the Lord, I was not an overnight transformed person. But as I started living this surrendered life, one of the areas God exposed in me was an unforgiving heart. I held onto past hurts.

Through many occasions (sometimes through a man or woman of God, sometimes through a blog post like this), God made it clear that He wanted me to let go of that bitterness. He wanted me to forgive and let go so that He can carry me forward in this beautiful journey with Him. But that unforgiveness simply cannot tag along.

“Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” *Ephesians 4:31-32*

Because you have been forgiven much

The more I understood how much I am forgiven, the easier it was for me to forgive and forgive quickly. If God were to hold our sins against us, even the nicest ones among us wouldn’t stand a chance of entering eternal life. Romans 5:8 says, “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” That’s how deeply forgiven we are. So, what are we holding onto?

It’s your pathway to freedom

When I finally let go of certain bitterness and unforgiveness that I held onto for a long time, it brought about inner healing and restoration in my life. I began to smile more often. Joy radiated from within me. I felt free. And, believe it or not, I was even set free from unusual aches and pain in my body. Unforgiveness is a sure stronghold, while forgiveness is meant to liberate you.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22

As you are reading this, is God reminding you of someone you haven’t forgiven yet? Or the memory of a hurtful moment that you have well stored in the back of your mind? I encourage you, forgive and let go. It’s your first huge step to living a life of freedom in Christ.

Team Soar Girls

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