Are you hosting sparrows or pigeons?

Are you hosting sparrows or pigeons?

Living in Mumbai (India), the only birds visiting my house frequently are pigeons. Honestly, I am not a fan of pigeons, as their “cooing” sound is very unpleasant and they tend to leave behind a lot of foul-smelling mess.

My family has a habit of shooing pigeons away, every time we see them at our window. This got us chatting about the time when we were kids and sparrows would come around chirping happily. That is when we decided to host sparrows at our windows, and notify the pigeons they were not welcome here.

Through many years, we tried many things, like keeping a bowl of water or some food; but nothing really worked. The pigeons would always come back.


This did the trick!

Finally, we decided to buy a bird feeder; we were told that the pigeons stay away from this feeder as they do not like the green color on it.

The first day my husband placed the feeder on our balcony floor. When we got back home in the evening excited to see any evidence of sparrows, we unfortunately found only pigeon droppings all over the place.

We then decided to place it at a certain height, hanging the feeder by a single rope, and waited at the window to see if we were still hosting only pigeons. This did the trick, in no time we had sparrows visiting us and chirping away happily.

While all this was taking place in the natural, here are two things I learnt about hosting the right presence in our daily life.

1) Check who you are hosting

Who are we hosting in our homes, colleges and office? The conversations we are a part of, the movies we watch, the books we read, the music we listen to will attract either God or the enemy. The Bible says in Malachi 3:16 Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honoured his name.

Every time we pray or talk about the goodness of God, He is listening, and His presence gets attracted to us.

2) Hosting the presence of God is a privilege

There is no greater privilege than being a host to God. He is looking for people who will host His presence, hence we need to be in the right postures and position for hosting Him.
The position of the bird feeder was the key to hosting the sparrows. Every time the pigeon landed on the bird feeder that was now elevated in the air, it’s weight would shake the feeder and it would lose its balance. But the little sparrows sat comfortably on the feeder.

When you pray, are you in the midst of all distractions like your phone, Ipad etc? Or have you lifted your mind to be at a height where distractions have no hold on you and the enemy loses his balance?

Mathew 14:23, Jesus went up the mountain to pray, And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came, he was there alone…

As Christians hosting God’s presence should be part of our everyday life. So, let’s make amends to our posture and position and learn to be a good host.

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5 Guaranteed Ways to Make Everyone Like You!

5 Guaranteed Ways to Make Everyone Like You!

1. Don’t have dreams or set goals

Dreaming is very risky as you will inspire many people to disagree with what you desire. Also, don’t do anything important. Stay out of situations that need solutions!

2. Stay with the crowd

Dress like them, talk like them and for goodness sakes don’t have any moral convictions. Having strong moral values is a sure way to be hated by every virtue-less person. Also, don’t stand up for anything or anyone. Forget being loyal, just agree with whoever you are with.

5 Guaranteed Ways to Make Everyone Like You!

3. Don’t set boundaries with people

Never tell anyone “NO” or confront anyone. Be a doormat…Let people walk on you, cheat on you and abuse you. Oh, then call it “loving like Jesus” so you can feel good about feeling bad.

4. Don’t think well of yourself

Remind people how incapable, weak, dumb and ugly you are. That will cause some to think you are arrogant or prideful. Also, don’t own nice things as you will cause others to be jealous of you. Whenever you look more blessed than others, they will have to question your motives or your means.

5. Following Jesus?

Following Jesus is another way to loose great friends! People will feel guilty around you because you don’t do the things they do. They will think you are trying to be spiritual. Having convictions will cause others to feel condemned.

Courtesy: Kris Vallatton Ministries (The above article is excerpted from an Instagram post by @kvmministries)

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6 Powerful Keys to Overcome Temptation (FREE MINI EBOOK)

6 Powerful Keys to Overcome Temptation (FREE MINI EBOOK)

This post is the continuation and the conclusion of our previous post on temptation. See Help!I am Getting Tempted to read the first part.

4. Guard your senses

The Bible says: Guard your heart for out of it flows the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). And, the easiest way to guard your heart is by guarding your senses.

What music you listen to, what books, magazines or websites you flip through, what kind of movies you watch – they all carry an influence.

Ask yourself the question: What I intake through my senses, is it making me love Jesus more and pursue holiness more? Or is it influencing me to think more about my own selfish or worldly desires?

Your senses are gateways to your mind. Therefore ferociously guard what you see, hear and say.

Overcome temptation, guard your senses.

5. Guard your Associations

Association births influence. So who do you associate yourself with a majority of your time?

Do you surround yourself with friends who are mediocre in their thinking? Friends who don’t have a vision for their lives? Friends who have bad habits?

Remember what you tolerate, you encourage.

1 Corinthians 15:33 says: Bad company corrupts good character.

Avoid bad company and unbelieving friends, who are leading you astray from the call of God upon your life. Instead, have mentors and friends with whom you can be accountable with, who can pray with you and counsel you in the ways of the Lord. The Bible says in Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

Also make sure you are a part of a spirit-filled church – Do not neglect meeting together with fellow believers (Hebrews 10:25).

6. Know what’s at stake?

Finally and most importantly, every time you get tempted ask yourself: What’s at stake?
Temptation always follows the Esau Syndrome – trading something that is of eternal worth in order to satisfy a short term appetite). Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob for a mere meal). Temptation will provide you with two choices. Sadly we often make the wrong choice because we look at the smaller picture, but there’s something bigger at stake.

So choose wisely.

Instead of choosing pornography, choose a healthy marriage.

Instead of choosing to throw junk and chemicals in your body, choose choose health.

Instead of choosing worldly friends, choose your God destiny.

Instead of choosing temporary pleasures, choose to set your face like a flint towards your calling.

Remember what’s at stake.


Team Soar Girls

FREE Mini Ebook for you

So, how did you enjoy our two part short series on temptation?

We thought of making it special for you by putting the notes together in the form of a catchy PDF, which can be easily referred to and shared with your loved ones who need to read it. Click on the link to download it for FREE:-) and don’t help us spread the word by sharing about it to your circle.

Temptation,Guard your senses

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Help, I Am Getting Tempted! (Part 1) + FREEBIE

Help, I Am Getting Tempted! (Part 1) + FREEBIE

Temptation, simply put, is a desire birthed in your flesh that is in direct conflict with God’s standards and can take you off course from the plan of God for your life.

We live in a fallen world and so none of us is temptation-proof. But the problem starts when we start yielding to it. And it starts little by little (like yeast, which too seems to be a small thing, but it works its way through a whole batch of dough pretty fast), and then destroys your life (James 1:14-15).

PS: The world finds everything ok under the pretext of freedom of expression. But your standards of norm are not defined by the world but by the Word. The world is slave to sin, but believers are at war with it. As long as you weigh things as per the world’s norm, you will fall into the trap of accepting it. And what you accept, you won’t fight. You are called to be different! You have the royal blood. You are a holy nation!

#Temptations,# Do not give up,#Conquer,#Conquer every temptation,#Do not resist flee away from it.

In the part 1 of this post we want to give you 3 keys to break free from the temptation trap. (Don’t miss reading the concluding part next week for the next 3 keys) :

1. Know your identity in Christ

Many Christians are struggling with temptation because they have not renewed their minds. Know that once you are born again, there is a new you in the inside of you (2 Corinthians 5:17). Know that the spirit in the inside of you has authority over every force of darkness (Colossians 2:9-10). Know that you have the power to take into captive every thought that is contrary to what God says (2 Corinthians 10:5). Know that you are loved and accepted in Christ (Galatians 3:26). Once you know the truth, the truth will set you free!

2. Fill yourself with the Word

The source of temptation does not lie with God or in others, or our surroundings, movies, modern girls dressing, current wicked generation, but rather all our temptations come from our own inward desires and lusts of our flesh.

Sin always begins in the mind. No one ever falls into adultery without first entertaining it in his (or her) thought life. That’ why it is so important to fill our hearts and minds with the Word. For when you walk, His Word will guide you, when you sleep, it will watch over you and when you are awake, it will speak to you (Proverbs 6:20-22).

3. Flee from it

Joseph in the book of Genesis showed us the best way to avoid the temptation trap – Flee! You need to know what tempts you, when it tempts you, where it tempts you, who tempts you, and then just stay away from those situations and people. Don’t just walk away, but run! You don’t fight it; you flee it!

Remember sin easily entangles and so it is easier to avoid than to resist. Paul counselled Timothy saying – Flee from the evil desires of your youth (1 Timothy 6:11-12). Sadly people want to be delivered from temptation but would like it to keep in touch.

Another thing worth mentioning is 1 Corinthians 10:13, which says, when tempted, God provides a way out so that you can stand up under it. So if you are still falling for temptations, you are simply rejecting God’s way out from it.

-To be continued

Team Soar Girls

Girls, Here’s What You Never Knew.. Book Now available in HINDI for FREE

Hindi Book

This book is a powerful weapon in your hands that will expose the hidden traps of the enemy and fireproof you from relationship pitfalls. It will save you from years of pain and provide Biblical answers to your questions like:

  • How do I steward my heart and body as a single?
  • What are the risk zones in dealing with the opposite sex?
  • How to guard my heart against toxic relationships?
  • What are the lies about singlehood that I may have believed?
  • Is the man in love with me or its just lust?
  • How do I know that he is the right one for me?
  • How to deal with addictions, temptations and a bad past?
  • How to shield myself from abuse? Plus: Answers to FAQs you didn’t know who to ask

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Finding True Peace, Where There Seems to be None

Finding True Peace, Where There Seems to be None

“When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. Rev 6:3-4

Recently, I have been meditating on the Book of Revelations when I came across these verses. This made me think about a world without peace, so much so that people would want to kill each other. The thought itself was saddening. But the Lord reminded me of this beautiful verse from John 14:27.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Jhn 14:27

Divine peace of Christ

Hope dawned in my heart as I read these verses. There are two kinds of peace. The peace offered by this world and the peace offered by Jesus Christ. The peace offered by this world, according to the Word of God, is temporary. Truth is, one day soon, the peace of this world is going to be taken away.

But, as children of God, this is our hope and confidence – our peace is not drawn out of this world. Yes, we are grateful for the peace and security around us. But even when it’s gone our true source of peace still remains, that is the divine peace of Jesus Christ.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:6-7

The peace He gives is a promise that cannot be taken away by the circumstances of this world. And this divine peace guards our hearts and minds against all the external attacks of the enemy.

If you are going through a ‘peace-less’ situation today, I encourage you to get your gaze back on Jesus. Meditate on the Word of God and the promises of God; come into His presence and lay down all your worries and anxieties at His feet, and embrace the peace He offers. For He has promised to keep in perfect peace those whose eyes are fixed on Him.

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” Isa 26:3


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FREE HD Phone Wallpapers – Giveaway for the Month!!!

FREE HD Phone Wallpapers – Giveaway for the Month!!!

Hey girls, how has the month of July been for you? We have been having great fun creating Biblical content and sharing it with you through our blog week after week. Thank you so much for your replies to our mails. It’s such a joy to hear from you.

We love to do what we do

And this time we thought of creating some inspirational wallpapers exclusively for you as a token of our love.

And hey what’s better than celebrating the reason for our togetherness ,i.e. our Dear Jesus and to have His Word and affirmations on our mobile screens.

So here we go…

#Giveaway,#Free HD phone wallapapers,#Token of Love,#Soar

We are sure you are going to love them as much as we do.

And don’t forget to share these with your friends and family members, who are as crazy Jesus lovers as we are.


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