SG Take Off Launched +The Onion Vision

SG Take Off Launched +The Onion Vision


Recently in my prayer time God spoke to me saying, “Raise an army of girls”, and I sensed an unexplainable urgency in my spirit towards this. I knew I had to take a step of faith and start Soar Girls Take Off.

It was also during this time that I personally went through a season of stretching where I felt everything that I was holding on to slipping away like sand from my hands. It was a season where my faith was being stretched and I realised that all I needed was my God – all I was entitled to was my friendship with my God; everything else is going to fade way.

I fought many hidden battles along the way, but in my vulnerabilities, God made me all the more determined to walk in obedience to what He was telling me to do.

So, on October 1 we launched our first ever Take Off meet on Zoom!!

I saw an Onion in a Vision

As I was praying for Soar Girls Take Off, God showed me a vision that I want to share with you. 

I saw a beautiful pink onion without its outer skin. And then slowly, this onion began to start peeling layer by layer. It was a beautiful sight and it almost looked like a flower that was unfolding. Also, as this was happening, I could see drops of tears falling.

God was telling me that this is what will happen in the SGTO meets.

I was like, “OK God, I understand what you are saying. That onion represents all of us who are going to be a part of these meets, and I see that you will uncover our hearts peel by peel, exposing our deep and hidden cores and heal it. And in the process our tears will come.”

And God said, “NO….that’s not what I am trying to say. That onion represents my heart for my precious daughters. It is MY heart and MY love for my daughters that will be uncovered layer by layer. And those are My tears.”

Wow, am so baffled by the love of God for each one of us!

That’s our God who pursues us first and keeps pursuing us in His love. And this is what we learnt in our first take off meet from the story of Hosea and Gomer. Hosea selflessly kept loving an unfaithful wife, who kept betraying him, to the extent that he even paid a price to bring her back. Hosea represents our Jesus whose love for us is reckless.  

Please would encourage you to not miss these meets. Our next SG Take Off meet will happen on October 15, 6:30 in the morning at IST time. 

Know more about it here:

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Want to Be an Influencer?

Want to Be an Influencer?

Influencer,Christian Influencer,Women Influencer

Everyone in this generation wants to be an influencer. I really love women who aspire for that, there’s nothing wrong – for some it’s their source of income , for some it’s their heart and calling to lead people.

But here I am inviting you to be a next level influencer that will leave a legacy behind so much so that people would want to imitate what you do, even years after you are gone! And above all, heaven will celebrate you!

Yes, you heard it right, imitate ‘what you do’!

Before I can share more on this invitation, let me tell you about one such woman who was a mighty influencer and impacted the villages and cities during her time and is still doing today.

Just then a woman who had suffered for twelve years with constant bleeding came up behind him. She touched the fringe of his robe, for she thought, “If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed.” Jesus turned around, and when he saw her he said, “Daughter, be encouraged! Your faith has made you well.” And the woman was healed at that moment.”
Matthew 9:20-22 (Mark 5:25‭-‬34)

Faith > Thoughts of People

At that time when women had bleeding issues they were treated as unclean, and when they were in public, they had to announce their sickness so people would move away. But she (this woman) didn’t care what people thought, she knew if she reached out to Jesus the Saviour, she would be healed and whole even if she just touched the fringe of His garment.

She knew her faith in Jesus was the key!

Faith Actions Multiply

Her story didn’t stop there, her story was heard everywhere because after Jesus left that city the Word of God says And wherever He came, in villages, cities, or countryside, they laid the sick in the marketplaces and implored him that they might touch even the fringe of his garment. And as many as touched it were made well.
Mark 6:56 ESV **

Wow! she influenced the cities, the villages and the countryside by her faith in Jesus and by just touching the fringe of His garment.

Do you know you can be that woman?

I believe you are a woman of faith that not only your faith in Jesus will influence your friends and family but the whole world, and that too for generations to come.

So here’s your chance to be a faith influencer, if there’s a testimony of your faith in Jesus and what He has done in your life , mail us your story at [email protected] or click here and write to us.

Our team would love to review it and if selected we will post it on our blog. You can then share your story of faith to people of your community, friends, colleagues and hopefully we will share it to the world through our blog. Hey and it doesn’t matter how small or insignificant it looks, you never know how it can touch lives. So write to us!

Also you can share your faith story as caption on Instagram using the below image and tag us at @soar.girls and use hashtag #soargirls #MyFaithStory

Excited to hear from you!

Faith influencer, christian influencer, women influencer

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3 Truths To Cling To On The Worst Day Of Your Life

3 Truths To Cling To On The Worst Day Of Your Life

Truths to cling to on the worst day of your life

Seems like you had the worst day of your life? Mirror on the wall saying it’s all your fault? Feeling condemned? Guilt taking the better of you?

Well, here are three truths you should cling to:

1. God is not shocked by your sin

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom 5:8)

God is still on the throne and when He died on the cross He saw everything you would ever do, yes even the most terrible sin you could ever imagine, He had seen it all but He still chose to die for you because you are His beloved one.
Even if you are the one who strayed

He would still leave the rest to come find you (Luke 15:3–7). He died for your past present and future sins.

2. Faithful to Forgive

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)

There’s so much power in coming to Jesus your High Priest and confessing your sins and asking for His grace to overcome. When you confess, also believe that God has heard you and forgiven you.

Remember He keeps no record of your wrongs, in Jeremiah 31:34, God says, I … will remember [your] sins no more.”

3. His mercy is New every morning!

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness (Lam 3:22-23)

Oh, never forget the above verse for life. No matter how many times you fall, remember God’s mercies never come to an end. Many of us know this scripture in our head but really never believe it. Hope you are not among them.

Before I close, remember your identity in Christ will never change, your position in God will never change.

You are loved beyond your flaws and mistakes.

You are called to overcome the devil by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of His testimony (Rev 12:11)

So rise up warrior! Pick up your armour of righteousness and wear it because God has purchased it for you on the cross. You are washed by the Blood and you are brand new in Christ.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Cor 5:17

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What if I fail? + FREE AUDIOBOOK (worth $3.95)

What if I fail? + FREE AUDIOBOOK (worth $3.95)

Friends that you need in life

Drumroll please!!! We are so happy to release the audio book Girl’s Here’s What You Never Knew…The audio book is out on all major platforms including and Google Playstore.

But all subscribers of this blog, get the audio link for Free. So what are you waiting for?

Try Something New … What if I fail?

By Sheryl Gadre

This audio book is very close to my heart, because it is my first project as a narrator!
Let me share with you my story of God’s grace.

Since childhood, I have dreaded to read aloud to a crowd. The handful of times I had tried, I admit the experience was unpleasant. In nervousness, the letters in my book seemed jumbled leaving me struggling and stammering. As though that was not enough, I had started to dislike my voice, as many people had hinted that I was nasal.

Years passed by, still felt the same about reading aloud – never wanted to do it.

At the start of 2020, I remember hearing my spiritual mother encouraging us saying: We should try and do everything we fear we can’t do, and achieve victory in it. Because unless we move beyond our comfort zones, we will never be able to experience the grace of God in those areas.

Try Something New,come out of your fear box,The call

Face your fears and conquer

At the time my spiritual parents Pastors Derrick and Kim encouraged me to convert their blog posts into podcasts.

And so, I entered the world of podcasting with zero broadcasting experience, and not to forget my “nasal voice”.

The Bible says in Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This verse became my truth while I was learning and preparing for this.

I was determined to overcome this fear by being intentional – reading about podcast hosts, recordings systems, audio editing platforms and voice modulation exercises.

Over the few months while I was doing my best to improve my voice; God was working inside of me, changing my heart. The Lord told me He was ready to use me, if I was available and willing to commit to serve His people.

I realized that God did not need my voice to be perfect, he only needed me to be committed to serve.

And as I started accepting that, my focus moved from me and my fears to serving and being a blessing to many.

Voila! Soon we launched our Pursue Him Audio Podcast last year in July. Click HERE to check out our episodes in case you haven’t already. Our episodes are short (mostly less than 10 minutes) and cover topics related to Christian Walk, Leadership, Marriage, etc.

You will be amazed to know that recently we hit a century, with 100 episodes already published!

Rise up & Do it

Girls, if the Holy Spirit is nudging you to do something, but you are scared because you think you will fail or you will not be good at it. Let me encourage you “Rise up & Do it”. Don’t wait to attain perfection in order to start, but start anyways!

In every step of the way depending on the Holy Spirit, He will take you from one victory to the other. And alongside, continually build your skills, learn, practice and repeat.

I was never interested in technology, could not even imagine “audio editing”. Today, I love editing audio and the creativity you can bring to the table through audio.

Feeling Inspired?

I look forward to seeing you pick a skill and overcome your fears. Mail me back here and I would love to cheer for you.

Till we meet again, remember: You are unstoppable in Christ!

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Dare to be Different

Dare to be Different

Dare to be different,Walk in light,Read the Word,Friends of the world.

It was a Wednesday afternoon when I received the Office Party invite.

“Thank you for all the efforts you put in, allow us to celebrate you. Let your hair down and hit the dance floor.

You are invited to a ROCKING PARTY on Friday night… Food and drinks on the house!!!”

Everyone in the team was looking forward to having some “Cool Time” off work at the Disco Lounge. As I expressed my discomfort about the venue my colleague advised I had to learn to be like others, be accepted in the management circle and these occasions could give me a chance to get in their good books. I denying to go to the party could be perceived as haughtiness by the management.

The Spirit within me kept nudging me not to, but I didn’t have a choice. My colleague was right! It was a new team I was leading and we had achieved all targets. I couldn’t possibly miss the celebration, they wanted to facilitate “ME!!” Of course God would understand, it was important for my growth in the company.

But Daniel resolved not to…

That day, during my Bible reading time was led to read the Book of Daniel:

Dan 1:8 But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine.

Daniel RESOLVED not to DEFILE himself. But, with what was he going to be defiled? Sorry, did I read it right?

It wasn’t the undignified, dishonourable, common things that Daniel decided not to defile himself with… He decided not to defile himself with the ROYAL FOOD AND KING’S WINE!

Was imagining myself at the Buckingham palace, at the Queen’s table. Who in their wildest thoughts would think the food offered in a royal silver plate is spoilt, polluted, unclean or contaminated? I would rather brag about the fact that “I ate from the Queen’s table!”

What on earth was Daniel thinking? Such a thought to even cross one’s mind, in the world would be termed as “arrogant narcissist”…

But that’s exactly what made Daniel different, for he had eyes to see beyond the flesh, ears to hear the supernatural and the wisdom to honour the true throne.

Let your light shine

Many a times we place the kings of this world above God, His Word, and His Spirit.

Ex: Maintain the company of a friend even while the Spirit is nudging not to, be engaged in the wrong conversations with the opposite sex, or even go to the party only to please the boss even while it is a disco lounge.

I was convicted and I decided otherwise about the party. I chose to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and not grieve Him. And you know what! No one took offence to my decision, in fact I found favour and respect in the eyes of my bosses for having a mind of my own and not being a fake people pleaser.

We need to let our light shine before others. God has chosen you and I out of the world to show His glory in us. We are to remind ourselves that we are in this world, but not of this world. We can’t afford to live like unbelievers, but walk like Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Our holiness comes from Christ.

For in him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28)

Set God above all others.

Ruta Miller
Team Soar Girls

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10 Powerful Declarations To Start Your Day

10 Powerful Declarations To Start Your Day

power of word,Word,Power of  spoken word,Declare the Word

Hello Girl,

God’s Word on our lips is powerful! Many times we know the Word of God, but we fail to declare it out loud. The Bible says, Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Pro 18:21). So, always good to keep a list of declarations handy. In case, you don’t have one and don’t know where to start, this post is for you 🙂

Below are 10 powerful truths you can declare out loud daily.

  • I am loved unconditionally by God, and I am here to fulfil His purpose for my life.
  • I am what God says I am – Unique, Valued and Accepted
  • I am intentional about the way I live, walking in His ways, pleasing God and not man.
  • I am a carrier of God’s presence and I am worthy of being pursued and honored for more than my physical attributes
  • I am led by Holy Spirit and not my emotions.
  • I am a woman of character and virtuous in all I do
  • I walk in my Father’s Authority; healing the sick, casting out demons and raising the dead.
  • I operate in God’s love and carry my cross daily. Freely I have received, freely I give.
  • I excel in all that I do, whatever big or small because everything I do, I do it for Jesus.
  • I am humble at all times, for without Him, I can do nothing.

Free Gift: Printable Bookmarks

PS: Good news!! If you are like us and like to stick notes or reminders around, we have a free printable version of these declarations which you can print and stick on your walls or use as a bookmark. Sign up to get them!


Declaration of positive words, Gods Word

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