How To Look 10 Times Better (Video:12m)

How To Look 10 Times Better (Video:12m)

As a child of God, your countenance is meant to stand out from the rest of your peers.

Want to know the secret to achieve that?

This 12 min video is for you.

( PS: This is a video excerpt from our Soar Girls Take Off bi-monthly zoom meets.
Know more here: Whatsapp us on +91-74004-08860 to be a part of it.)

Team Soar Girls

10 times better

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Be Thankful in The Small

Be Thankful in The Small

We’ve heard to be thankful so many times in our lives, but it is the least practiced.

One day as I was sitting on the tour bus in Israel, one man got up and started to pray before the journey could begin. He started praying for the smallest of things like the food, the journey we had and for protecting us throughout the way, and for God giving us unmerited favor with the migration officers. When I heard his prayer, I felt God was so pleased with this man’s prayer. His prayer caught my heart and I cried inside. Will tell you soon why.


No matter your spiritual growth, the secret is Thanking

Been born again for several years now and I saw God do mighty Things like grow a leg in front of my eyes, pain for years healed, people who were broke and God providing large sums of money and the list goes on.

These were the “wow” testimonies that people thank and praise God for.

But I realized all these years of expecting the big miracles, I have forgotten to thank God for the smallest of things, like my food. I had food every day, but so rarely do I thank God for having it on my table. I have taken God for granted that He would keep me safe in journeys because of His Word, but I never intentionally thanked God for doing so.

The Big Mistake of Not Being Thankful For The Small

Sometimes we get so caught up in what God has done in others’ lives that we forget what God has given us. I remember there was a phase in my life where I would hear awesome miracles about how God did things for my friends but as for myself, I felt nothing great happened. Then I would wait and wait for something great to happen to be able to thank God.

However, the prayer of this man whom I shared earlier broke my heart. Every day God provided for me, every day He kept me safe, every day He kept me joyful, every day He never left my side, every day He loved me, every day He gave me breath. I was so blind to the big things that I forgot the things that God gave me every day.

We are all called to do the will of God but one of the most pleasing wills of God is when you come to Him with thankfulness. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

So, thank God for what exactly? The Bible says “Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. “Ephesians 5:20

Dear sister, what are you waiting for? I hope this post has opened your eyes to see what God is already doing in your life and to be thankful for all that He has given.


Alisha Joji


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Trash all your TIME MANAGEMENT courses!

Trash all your TIME MANAGEMENT courses!

Before you read ahead, hold on! Can I ask you to count the number of time management courses you have taken? Many? Hmm… Were they actually useful or did you just waste more time by trying to learn how to master time?

While you’re still thinking, let me tell you, I have taken a time management course in almost every season of my life. In school, in junior college, during my graduation and now a gazillion courses even while I’m working. And, similarly so, there was this one time, at work, I was given a mandatory time management course from ‘Harvard’. Seeing that it was from Harvard, I got excited and immediately jumped to start the course only to realize that it was 2 ½ hours long.

My immediate response was “you’re joking? I already have 10 hours of work that I don’t know how to complete and you’re trying to teach me time management by taking additional 2 ½ hours of my time?”

time management

That really made me think….

I’ve taken up multiple courses, got excited, implemented those tips, and even went ahead and made great schedules and timetables only to fail each time and wait for the next course to motivate me.

Finally, fed up with failing I asked the Holy Spirit, “this is not working! what to do?”

And I was reminded of these words spoken by Prophet Derrick D’souza “you won’t be able to grow if you can’t manage time. And time gets managed when you listen to the Holy Spirit and not by making timetables.”

 The key!

Ouch…. That word hit me hard….

But I finally got the key! I trashed all those courses. I trashed all my timetables. I trashed all my schedules! I trashed my unreasonable to-do lists!

And don’t get me wrong, I’m not against schedules, courses, to-do lists or the tips that they share. And if it works for you, great! But if you’re someone like me who can make great timetables and keep up to none, this one is for you, if only you can grab it!

The Bible says in Jeremiah 10:23 (AMP)
O LORD, I know that the path of [life of] a man is not in himself; It is not within [the limited ability of] man [even one at his best] to choose and direct his steps [in life]..”

Read that again….

So, if even at our best, it is not for us to choose and direct our steps, then why are we even trying? Why are we striving to figure it out all by ourselves? Instead, why don’t we LISTEN, and be led? Instead, why don’t we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us?

The question that changed everything

So, I started dropping my agendas and big plans. I started listening. Yes, I started listening to the Holy Spirit. I started acknowledging that the Holy Spirit will instruct me and show me exactly what I need to do. (Psalm 32:8)

I started asking: Should I do this now? Is it the right time? How to complete it? How can I do this faster?

And as I kept asking, one question changed everything for me:

“What is it that You want me to do ‘right now?’”

Just by asking this question I started getting wisdom on what I needed to do in that very moment. This took so much pressure off my back. I stopped rushing. I stopped counting how many hours I had and how many hours I needed for a given task.

I started looking out for grace.

I started focusing and getting results.

And this is what happened!

I realized that many times I would have 20 tasks on my to-do lists. 20 tasks out of my flesh. 20 tasks impossible to complete within 24 hours. But, even though I would expect to accomplish only 5 of those tasks in a day, there was grace to complete all 20. At times I would end up completing only 5 tasks. But guess what? Those 5 tasks were seasoned with grace and all that was actually required for the day. And at times, all I needed to do was drop everything and linger in His presence.

And yes! There is a ‘grace’ for every task.

You see, we can try to do as much as we want. But if it’s without grace it will just result in additional time lost, additional effort wasted, and mediocre results.

So, stop being a doer!

Instead, next time can you take a pause? Can you ask? Can you listen? And then do (act)?

Next time, can you first look out for the grace that is available for that task?

Hey, I hope you’re not disappointed that you didn’t get a blog post having 3 tips on how you can manage time better. Trust me, you don’t need that! But if you’ve read so far, I’m sure you’ve got the key. And I pray you will get a tailor-made, customized, personalized strategy from the Holy Spirit, as you began to listen! And I can guarantee you, as you heed to that Voice, you will never again need another course to motivate you to master time.

Also, if you’re someone who is always making this excuse: “I don’t have TIME”. Don’t miss the below video.




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Girls, Your Garden is Your Responsibility! (+ 3 Tips)

Girls, Your Garden is Your Responsibility! (+ 3 Tips)

We live in a time where outward appearance is of great importance. There are YouTube channels, websites, and books on how you can improve the way you look or the way your surroundings look. Aesthetics have become an integral part of human life. Everything must look good.

I’m not against this. I believe we as children of God must reflect Kingdom standards in the way we carry ourselves and our things.

But this is what God has been teaching me: While it is good you take care of the outside which is seen by everyone, it is more important to take care of the inside, which even when no man sees, God sees.


But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

This is the part of you that God is more interested in; the real you.

Your mind is a garden.

Yes, your mind is like a garden. And how good this garden looks depends on how well you have been taking care of it and carrying it. Here’s the truth: Your garden is your responsibility.

God placed man and woman in the garden of Eden. The garden was given to them to take care of. When a snake came to speak deception to Eve, God didn’t come to rescue. It was in their hands to destroy the snake. Yet when they allowed the snake to remain and speak, it brought about their downfall.

If there are snakes in your garden, it is your responsibility to kill them. It is not the responsibility of your pastor or your leaders, but it is yours.

What are these snakes we often find in our garden? It is the lies of the devil that we have believed. It is the junk and filth of the world we have fed our minds with that now dictate our perception of life. In essence, it is anything that doesn’t align with the truth of God’s Word.

One way to check the condition of your garden is by checking your thought life. What does our thought life look like? Is it in order or have you accumulated it with the junk and filth of this world and the lies of the devil?

Here are some practical ways you can take care of your garden:

1. Guard your senses.

We are living in a time where there are lies, bad news, filth, and junk all around us. If we are open to everything, we are choosing to be the world’s junkyard. Guard what you allow your eyes to see and your ears to hear.

2. Build and nourish your soul with God’s Word.

The Word of God is the Truth. It is the supreme Word that can nullify every lie of the enemy. When you intentionally indulge yourself in studying and meditating on the Word, you are building your life on the foundation of Truth which cannot be shaken by any lie or inferior reality. Where everyone else fails, you will be found standing. That is the power of God’s Word.

3 .Stay connected to a Spirit-led church

This will ensure that you are guided in the right direction and keep you rooted in the Truth.

I pray this for you today: Lord, let this child of Yours fall in love with the Truth and build her life on the Truth, and live a life that is pleasing in Your eyes.

Ria Jobin


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Oops, I Caught Myself Idol Worshiping!

Oops, I Caught Myself Idol Worshiping!

Technology in our lives is something we can’t escape. It is part of our daily lives and almost every activity we do.

We are so focused on our phones, that we don’t feel the need for a conversation with people around us. When I was in college 2 decades ago, I remember meeting people and making friends while commuting in trains and buses.

But now I travel with the same people every day in a comfortable AC car for work, but everyone has their heads inside their phones. We don’t even know each others’ names…

Every era has an idol, ours in technology

Idol Worshipping

Luke 16:13 says, No one can serve two masters.

We may not be idol worshiping literally speaking, but we have been idolising technology in our lives.

When we idolise things, we do it without even realising it. We love God, yes we do…
But if technology takes most of the time in our day, we are idolising it.

Here is an example to identify if you are idolising technology: Are spending 30 mins in Bible study but 2 hours on technology?

Unknowingly we may also be idolising some influencer on IG or YouTube.

Seeing somebody or hearing somebody more than we hear or spend time with God is also a form of idolising. It is ok to be inspired by people but if we are replacing our time with God with something else, that is the key to identify if we are idol worshiping.

 So what are you idolising?

Video games, hobbies, friends?

My generation, can I blow your mind?

Our God is the biggest tech giant. Read Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

God’s technology is way ahead of the Big Tech or Big Four. Through the highest form of technology that is still unknown to humans, He created the Heavens and the Earth!

Hey, and not just the heavens and earth, God made you in His own image and likeness. Genesis 1:26.

God is for technology, but He wants us to be in the image of Jesus, not the technology.

Technology is man-made, but you are made by God. We should be in AWE of our creator, and idolise Him.

So what do we do to get back to idolising God?

Here are 4 steps that help me in every season of my life:

1.Step back and observe your daily activities.
2.Identify and delete the apps that are taking most of your time.
3.Ask help from the Holy Spirit to replace your idol/s
4.Pray and make God your true and one and only idol.

If you are struggling and need help or prayers, write to us, and we will connect you to some amazing warriors that have overcome the fight of idolising technology.

Sheryl Gadre


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