Don’t Give Up On Me

Don’t Give Up On Me

Identity in Christ

Recently, I was spending my time in prayer, particularly asking the Lord to help me in an area that I have been struggling with for a while. As I was ending my prayer time I said “Thank You Holy Spirit for not giving up on me”. Well, to my surprise, the conversation did not end with that. The moment I finished saying that, I heard the Holy Spirit say in reply, “Don’t give up on Me either”.

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. ( 2 Cor 3:18 )

God’s job is to transform you

Dear child of God, if there is some (or many) area of your life that you have been struggling with, genuinely desiring a transformation, don’t give up on the Holy Spirit, because He hasn’t given up on you. He’s still in the business of transforming you. Don’t give up on yourself, no matter how many times you have failed. Don’t give those condemning thoughts even one bit of space in your mind.

You and I are “being transformed”. We are in the process. Right now, we might only be able to see our life from a short- sighted view. But we can be at peace knowing that God sees the end from the beginning. That leaves us with no reason to stress out. As we trust Him and take those steps of faith, one at a time, God will take us from glory to glory.

So, shake off that condemnation, cancel that pity party and drop off your anxious thoughts, for He who called you is faithful and He is mighty to save you.

Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will arise; though I sit in darkness, the LORD will be my light. ( Micah 7:8 )

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Show the devil his place!

Show the devil his place!

At home my sister and I have an internal joke where we tease each other saying, “The women of the house must clean, wash and cook and that’s our place”. When one of us have something to do, we scream out ‘Know your place’ (which simply means just do the work what you are supposed to do). Now hold on!! Before you start revolting against me, as I said earlier that’s just a joke – Our place isn’t anything less, but we are all just responsible as sons and daughters of the house.

But the Lord showed me, as we give a person a special place in the house, we Christians tend to give satan a special place in our lives, than we give God.

How you ask? Well…

You entertain his thoughts, his baits, his lies, his deception, his temptations?

Condemning thoughts keep coming in your head?

You devalue yourself?

Are you constantly worrying?

How the devil works?

The devil will bring that bait of your weakness and bring it in your presence and he will say, “C’mon, catch it, it’s your old habit. It’s harmless. Just do it once”.

And once you fall for it, you realise later that you are already in a trap of this ongoing cycle of lies and condemnation.

One day the same happened to me, where the enemy gave me a series of thoughts that were not in line with God’s Word. That’s when God showed me loud and clear, “Hey it’s just a bait. You are not the devil’s fish, but you are a fisher of men’.

And that day, I remember, I said out loud, “Get lost devil with your schemes. Know your place”. And when I did that, I felt so free instantly.

Show the devil his place!

Don’t give the enemy a place in your head. The last time I heard he is the size of the rat and still is. He belongs to the pit of hell and THAT’S HIS PLACE. He has no power. Don’t let him rent space in your mind to make you feel lost, distracted, stuck, weak, overwhelmed, depressed or oppressed.

You are called to oppress and depress the devil. Fight back those feelings. And the best way to do it is by saying God’s Word out loud. Sing praises to God.

Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak from the world, and the world listens to them. (1 John 4:4-‬5 ESV)

The world listens to the devil and his cohorts because they belong here, but we are not of this world since we are now in Christ and so we have authority! You are an overcomer in Christ. You are called to soar!

If you are fighting temptation, distraction, bondages in thought life, depression, weakness, contact us and we will pray for you.


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Welcome to Soar Girls Blog!

Welcome to Soar Girls Blog!

Welcome to SOAR GIRLS – A blog for the girls and by the girls!

We have received so many testimonies from across the globe of how God has touched lives through the book ‘ Girls, Here’s what you never knew… ‘ and given girls godly wisdom and direction. (In case you missed reading the book, go to to know more about this book)


Best Selling Book Girls Here's What you Never Knew...


Book done, now what?

Our end motive was never to write a book, but to transform lives. And so, God led us to initiate this blog where we could stay in touch with you and partner with you in your Jesus journey. Together we are stronger and together we will soar high above the usual issues of life.

The team behind Soar Girls: Who are we?

We are a group of girls, who have been set free by Jesus. We are not perfect but we believe together in one mind through Christ we can change the world when we hold each other up. And so, we are here to build encourage, edify , talk about out identity, purpose , calling, relationships, friendships, and everything under the sun that concerns you.

Check out our home page

If you are on Instagram, we would love to connect with you HERE .

Before we sign off, here’s one question we want you to ponder upon:

Do you have a vision for 2021?

Ever tried playing a game of soccer without the goalpost? That’s crazy right? So is it with us – A goal or a vision in front of us brings clarity, focus and purpose. The Bible says, where there is no vision, the people perish ( Prov 29:18 )

So think what is it that you want to achieve by end-2021? How do you see yourself growing in your walk with Jesus? What are the things/habits you need to let go off ?

After you thought and prayed about it, write it down and stick it at a place that you can see it every day.

Now remember you CAN’T achieve the above!

You read it right.

But allow us to complete the sentence- You CAN’T achieve the above ALONE!!

Let’s lean on God’s grace to see us through! He is good and He is for us 🙂


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Girls, 5 Quick Tips To Guard Yourself On Social Media

Girls, 5 Quick Tips To Guard Yourself On Social Media

September 13, 2020

Girls, 5 Quick Tips To Guard Yourself On Social Media

By Kim D’souza

    By Kim D’souza

Online is the new game and social media has changed the way we do relationships. But as much social media has its benefits, if we allow it to master our hearts, it can cause a lot of damage.
Here are five quick tips, especially for single girls on how they can guard their hearts when it comes to social media:

1. You are who God says you are
The desire to be liked, appreciated and get social validation is normal. However, avoid getting preoccupied with social media so much so that it starts defining your self-worth. People post their best lives on social media and it’s so easy to start comparing and feeling stressed that you are not as cool, smart or popular as they are. But the virtual world is not always real, and the number of likes or follows don’t define you, you are who God says you are – chosen, loved, accepted and brought for a price that is worth His son Jesus.

Know your identity in Christ

2. Be intentional in the way you carry yourself online
The way you project yourself online is the way you allow others to perceive you. Some girls’ social media feeds are flooded with pictures of themselves in thousands of poses. Come on, that’s somebody craving for attention and acceptance. And the people who want to take advantage of that can smell it! Know that your acceptance comes from God, and be rooted in His love (Romans 8:38).

3. Keep it clean baby
Keep your social media accounts ‘clean’ and let there be no room for immorality. As a child of God, strive to uphold His honour. Post content that edifies and encourages people, and points them to Jesus. Also, if you are going to be posting a lot of personal snaps, it makes sense to keep your social media accounts private or accessible to only those you know.

4. Why accept all friend requests?
Hey, you don’t have to be present on every social media platform, follow every Tom Dick and Harry or accept every friend request you get. The numbers shouldn’t matter to you, rather the quality of content you allow your heart to access to (am talking about personal account).
When I follow someone, it also means I give that person access to speak into my life through his/her posts that will now start appearing on my wall. So if my wall is going to be flooded with un-useful or unhealthy information, I choose would rather not accept your friend request! (#dontfeelbad).
In fact from time to time, it is a good practice to unfollow people in your friend list, and instead follow people who inspire you, who you can learn from, who make you run after Jesus.
Another thing – discipline yourself from following or monitoring accounts of your past relationships. Go ahead and unfriend, unfollow or block them, however rude it may seem – lest you open door for your past hurts and dead soul ties to rise again.

5. Cut off
Lastly develop self-control. From time to time cut off from social media completely lest you allow it to become an addiction. Instead make time to build real relationships.

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10 Differences between a Girl and a Woman

10 Differences between a Girl and a Woman

October 23, 2019

10 Differences between a Girl and a Woman

By Kim D’souza

    By Kim D’souza

Recently I happened to watch a video clip by Pastor Vlad of Hungry Generation Church on the topic 10 differences between a Boy and Man. Here is the link (A must hear for those who consider themselves as men!) I thought it would be nice to have a girl-woman version of it. So here you go:

Here are Ten Differences between a Girl and a Woman

1. A girl craves for attention from people and has an overwhelming concern about her physical appearance. She is under constant pressure to look a certain way and hence makes irrational and extreme choices to keep up to it. A woman knows that she holds the attention of God! She realises that charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but what matters the most is the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 31:30). Her mirror is the Word of God, and she is confident in the fact that she is beautiful the way God created her – Real, unfiltered and ‘unphotoshopped’ (Psalm 139:14).

2. A girl dresses up for the approval of others and in the process ends up in a compromising lifestyle. The way she dresses is to attract people to her. A woman on the other hand dresses up for Jesus, she knows she is the daughter of a king. “So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou Him…The king’s daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold. She shall be brought unto the king in raiment of needlework…” -Psalm 45:13-14 (KJV). Her clothes carry the finesse of the royalty that runs in her blood – and that attracts the people not to her, but to the King! (That also means she is not casual about her clothing).

Girl – Woman… Who does God say you are?

3. A girl is frivolous in her attitude, takes life as it comes and is easily swayed by situations and the opinions of people around her. Her life revolves around her friends, date nights, social media followers, likes and comments. Her social accounts follow every Tom, Dick and Harry. A woman knows that she has a powerful assignment from God, and every decision she makes in her life is in consciousness of this fact. She doesn’t accept every friend or follow request she receives! She doesn’t linger with time-wasters, and is very careful who she walks with. You see, a girl lives for the moment while a woman is intentional about leaving a legacy behind!

4. A girl’s attitude and lifestyle give access for boys to make approaches, while a woman clothes herself with dignity (Proverbs 31:25). Her walk and her talk are filled with grace, and yet others know where to draw the line. A girl always blames others, while a woman knows that her respect is in her hands!

5. A girl is reckless with her body and uses it provocatively to gain people’s attention, but a woman sets an example before the world in everything – including the way she takes care of her body. She knows that her body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and she leans on God’s wisdom (James 1:5) to steward it. She adapts healthy eating habits, maintains personal hygiene and always smells good!

6. A girl is quick to get into relationships and easily pulls her walls down. She struggles to say no because she doesn’t want to break the heart of the opposite person. A woman knows that she is worth far more than rubies (Proverbs 31:10). She is bold enough to say ‘No’ and preserves her body for the union of marriage. Not breaking God’s heart is more important to her than anybody else’s!

7. A girl often compares herself with others and in the process, she ends up harboring jealousy, pride, offence or low esteem. A woman is secure in the love of God and is thankful to God in everything (1 Thessalonians 5:18). She celebrates when others succeed and lifts others up when they fail.

8. A girl is driven by her temporary craving. She thinks that she is the center point of the entire universe, and lavishly spends on herself and her never-ending shopping list! A woman knows that it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). At the same time, she is a good steward of the money and knows how to plan for her future and her family.

9. A girl is led by her emotions and mood swings. She is very sensitive to what people say and makes her tears a crutch. A woman learns to become sensitive to the Holy Spirit more than people around her. She knows that her tears are precious and makes them her strength by shedding them at the feet of Jesus.

10. A girl uses her tongue to spark fire and cause great damage to herself and others. A woman knows that in quietness and trust is her strength (Isaiah 30:15). Many a time she wins her battles with her conduct, and without words!

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Are You Still Worrying?

Are You Still Worrying?

July 26, 2019

Are You Still Worrying?

By Derrick D’souza

    By Pastor Derrick D’souza

There are so many profound principles in the Word of God that they are often overlooked because they are really so simple.

Look at what God says in Matthew 6:24, “No one can SERVE two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money”.

Most people assume that the Scripture is talking about how you need to choose God over money. But the intent here is not to choose God over money but to SERVE God instead of money. That’s a whole different thought process and lifestyle, that comes with that knowledge.

Serve GOD wholeheartedly, always!

Most people I know of in the kingdom of God have chosen Jesus as their Lord and Savior but they have never made a decision to serve Him. I can already hear the church rise up in arms with that statement! But I do go to church, pay my tithes, I don’t tell lies and live a good life, is the answer. What more should I do??

Well let’s read the next verse for the answer, Matthew 6:25, “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?

Whenever the word “Therefore” is used, you need to understand what it is there for?

So, Jesus is actually saying, if you SERVE me, do not WORRY about life, because I got all of you covered!

Food, clothing, shelter, everything… He then makes two very awesome examples that make me laugh at all the worries.

1. For those who worry about Food – He says, just in case you’re a foodie, check out my birdies in the sky, they neither sow nor reap yet they get fed on time every time and you are more valuable to me than they.

2. For those who worry about clothes & fashion – He says, just in case you were thinking King Solomon clothes would have definitely been a fashion statement at his time. Jesus smiles and says: Solomon’s attire was not even on par to some of the lilies of the field that are dressed by Me. By the way God clothes the lilies of the field, they never labor or spin or dress themselves up. They usually grow up serving the One who created them and He dresses them up along the way.

So, my point is if you are worrying in life about life, there is a 100% chance you are not serving God!

You may be seeking Him for the above but not serving Him with your life. But choosing to serve has always ensured God’s complete provision.

And then there are others who serve God on their terms, i.e. when they want and how they want to.

You may ask why serve? Because serving comes with surrender. When you worry about eating, drinking, housing, clothing, you do so for your own benefit, but when you serve God you are not serving God for your benefit but for the benefit of others and that brings the provision from God.

So, are you still worrying?

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