How to Prepare for a Sunday Church Service?

How to Prepare for a Sunday Church Service?

Remember the last time you prepared for an event before attending it? It could be an interview, a meeting, an annual day program, or a party where you had to speak.

But have you ever thought of preparing yourself for a Sunday service? You may say, “A Sunday service, what is there to be prepared for?!” You may say, “I have nothing to do on a Sunday except hear the Word, so it doesn’t require any preparations.”

Dear sister, if you think that way, then you miss out a lot on a Sunday service, more than you realize. Preparation before a Sunday service sets you up to receive more than what a regular church attender can.

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When you go for a Sunday service, you need to be very intentional about receiving from God, and you will be amazed at how God speaks to you and your situation.

Want to have encounters with God during the Sunday service? Want to receive a breakthrough Word for your situation? Here are 4 ways you can prepare yourself:

1/ Prepare your heart

“But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7

Preparations start from your heart. The priority is not really about what you are going to wear for the service, though that also matters because you are going to meet with the King of kings.

But sometimes, we tend to focus so much on preparing on the outside that we neglect to prepare our hearts to encounter and hear God.

What is in your heart at the moment? What are you pondering on?

What are you more concerned about? What is your motive for going to a Sunday service? Is it to hear from God, understand Him better, celebrate and worship Him, or go for the sake of it as a habit?

Are you going to impress a man or meet a friend, or are you going to have this date with the Father?

The best way to prepare your heart for a service is to talk to God heart-to-heart before the service. And He knows what’s in your heart. Your heart needs to be hungry and asking God to speak to you on this day.

The Word of God says in Matthew 5:6, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.”

If you are not blessed on a Sunday service it’s because you came unprepared and you weren’t hungry.

Be desperate and joyful and say, God, I am coming to enjoy You, to love You, and to hear what You have to say for me. I want to grow and be just like You!

2/ Ask Questions

The second way to prepare is by asking God questions.

“After three days they found Him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.”
Luke 2:46

Wow! Jesus was found listening and asking questions.

During one season of my life, I used to travel almost 2 hours by train for a Sunday service. And that was the best time because I would ask God questions and talk to Him. And it is amazing how God would use my Pastor to answer these questions.
I never had to go to him personally and ask, but the Holy Spirit would hear all my conversations in the train and speak through my Pastor during the sermon. I received a lot of guidance, corrections, direction, and encouragement. God is so awesome!

God just needs one hungry person, and He can make the whole sermon for that person.

God is not limited to just using your Pastor; He can talk through a church member; He can speak to you during worship or prayer, or He can begin to speak to your spirit even as you enter the doors of your church – that’s what preparation can do!

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
Mathew 7:7-8

3/ Pray

The third way to prepare for a service is to pray. Prayer is the same as talking to Him, but here you are praying intentionally for certain things:-
1. Ask God to prepare your heart and give you focus.
2. Ask forgiveness for any sins or if you forgot to speak to Him the whole week!
3. Ask God to speak to you or give you direction or confirmation.
4. Ask God to give you a Now Word from the man of God.
5. Pray for others that they, too, will receive and that none will miss the Word due to any distractions.
6. Pray in tongues.

4/ Serve

The other way to prepare is to come early and serve. Help in any way, keep the house clean, arrange the chairs, greet people, see where the need is, and be available. Remember, you are a daughter of the house and not a visitor; God’s house = your house.

Dear sister, if you can prepare yourself well spiritually and physically, your Sunday services will be more exciting. Let us know what are some ways you prepare before a service? We love to hear from you!

Alisha Joji


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Is God Really Good?

Is God Really Good?

Do You Really Believe in God’s Goodness?

Most Christians find it easy to believe that God is great. But, only a fraction of them believe that God is good, and that He is good to them!

This is the reason why the Body of Christ is suffering. Because, though we say with our mouths that “God is good”, but at the heart level, we really don’t believe it.

Child of God, the goodness of God has to be a firm foundation in your life. You need to be convinced in your heart and mind that God is good because its only on the goodness of God that faith can hinge on

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God’s goodness is an established truth

If you ever arrive late for work, you cannot give the excuse that the gravitational forces did not work and hence you got late! Chances are that you will be fired for such an excuse.

Similarly, God’s goodness does not fail. No matter what happens in your life, God is good, and that doesn’t change. Rather than questioning God’s goodness, you should examine your life and find out what is going wrong.

Self- Test: How do you know if you really believe in God’s goodness?

Recently, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “If you hear people talking about their traumas and bad memories from their past repeatedly, they don’t really believe in My goodness.”

When you are convinced of the goodness of God, you will not be filled with memories of sad moments in your life because you will look forward for your future knowing God’s plans are for your good (Jeremiah 29:11) .

Psalm 145:6-7 says, “Men shall speak of the might of Your awesome acts, And I will declare Your greatness. They shall utter the memory of Your great goodness, And shall sing of Your righteousness.”

Yes, unfair things may have happened to you in the past, but you need to move on. Rather than meditating on all that went wrong, you need to meditate on how God has been good to you.

The people who are convinced of His goodness, when they have a memory to talk about, are not talking about how everything didn’t go right, but their memory utters of His great goodness.

How can we be established in His goodness?

One practical way to be established in the goodness of God is to find every scripture that talks about the goodness of God and start meditating on it.

God is good; it’s His nature and character. The more you meditate on and declare God’s goodness, the more it will become an established truth in your life.

The goodness of God is unchangeable and unshakeable

Have you seen how water drips out when a wet cloth is squeezed? When situations come to squeeze you, praise must drip out of you because you believe that God is still good.

“And he said, “Please, show me Your glory.” And the LORD said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the LORD, in your presence.” Exodus 33:18-19

We see in the above verses how when Moses asked God to show him His glory, God said He would cause His goodness to pass before Moses, not His might or power, but His goodness.

This season, can we make the decision not to dwell in the past any longer? Let us move forward with our gaze fixed on the goodness of God.

Author Kim D’souza


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A Love Poem To The Lord

A Love Poem To The Lord

One of the best ways to deal with painful moments in your life is to convert it into praise. The Bible says in Psalm 149:1, “Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, and His praise in the assembly of saints.”

During one such moment, my heart began to sing a new song and I penned it down. If you are going through a painful moment in your life, I pray this poem will encourage you.

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Each and every day I be
My heart is closely calling me
With all the time passing by
Jesus I keep on You my eyes

In Your presence I want to weep and cry,
And receive the Word faithfully by
Your Blood has washed me cleansed me through
Your sacrifice on the cross has brought me through
And I oh Daddy today remember You

Oh Holy Spirit You guide my way
With me oh You always stay
I thank You with all my heart
Each new day with You I start

Father your living Word makes me
What I really should be
Prayer increases intimacy with You
Like a child I want to draw close to You

The works of a shepherd and shield in my life You do
Oh Daddy Jesus I love you!

A daughter to You I will always be
This identity in my life will always lift me

I thank You Lord for all and
I trust You, You will never let me fall

This is what my heart says to You
The way You love nobody can ever do…..


Khushi Khatri, India (Guest post)


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The Power Of Faith Can Overcome Any Limitation

The Power Of Faith Can Overcome Any Limitation

Your limits are not My limits: God

During a recent time of my fellowship with the Holy Spirit, I was reminded of Isaiah 55:8, which says, “My thoughts are not your thoughts…”

I asked the Holy Spirit, “What you mean by that?” And I heard the Lord say, “Your limits are not My limits.”

Child of God, God is saying to you today: Your limits are not My limits.

Remember, without faith, it is impossible to please God. And when we talk about faith, we are going to talk about crazy things because there’s no limit to what God can do. God is looking at somebody, who irrespective of their past background or limitations, can stand on His Word and say “I believe it is possible!”

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The radical faith of a Hebrew girl

We know the story of a young Hebrew girl who was kidnapped and made a servant in the house of Naaman the Syrian (2 Kings 5).

She had every reason to be bitter. Imagine, she was free, enjoying her life, and suddenly she was turned into a slave. If we were in her place, we would probably have rolled in self-pity or become bitter, thinking, “Why did this happen to me?” Yet this girl’s attitude was so different; she was a problem solver. That’s how people of faith are. They are problem solvers.

When she saw that her master had leprosy, she didn’t celebrate and take it as revenge. Her focus was not on herself. This girl was filled with faith, and she had a solution for her master’s problem.

“She said to her mistress, “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy. 2 Kings 5:3

Taking limits off God

This little girl had faith that the Prophet in Israel held the key to Naaman’s healing. However in Luke 4:27, Jesus says, “And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and none of them was cleansed except Naaman the Syrian.”

If there was no record of lepers being healed by the prophet, how could this little girl say that Namaan would be healed? It shows that this girl had crazy faith. She had taken the limits off God.

She even knew the location of the prophet!

In those days, prophets were not permanently found in one place. They were in different locations, moving fast. Some even racing chariots! But this girl, without any mobile, GPRS or any modern means of communication, even knew the location of the prophet!

Look at the accuracy with which she was speaking – “The Prophet who is in Samaria”.

And this is my personal revelation: Even if the prophet was not in Samaria, because of her statement of faith, God would have made sure that the prophet was in Samaria.

That’s your God! He moves by faith.

Child of God, whatever season of life you may be in, I want to encourage you not to limit God with your thoughts and words, because our limits are not His limits. Our only limit has to be the Word of God.

Author Kim D’souza


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How to expand your influence in this season. (Part 3 & 4)

How to expand your influence in this season. (Part 3 & 4)

Do you know that as a child of God you do not need to strive to create an influence?

When the rulers and elders of Israel saw how the ordinary disciples, Peter and John were working miracles, they realized that they had been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13).

When you walk with the Light you will begin to create influence without any striving.

Watch Part 3 & 4 of this 4 part series where Author Kim D’Souza expands further on how you can expand your influence in this season by walking with the Light and the importance of moving by faith.

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By Team SoarGirls

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How To Expand Your Influence in This Season 👼

How To Expand Your Influence in This Season 👼

God’s standard for His children is this- function as the light in this world. What is light? Light is influence. In this season, God wants to expand your influence.

So, how can you gain your influence and expand to the point where you begin to influence the world?

Watch Part 1 & 2 of this 4 part series by Author Kim D’Souza as she teaches us on how to expand your influence in this season and the power of carrying a thankful heart.

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By Team SoarGirls

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