Why Does The Devil Tempt You

Why Does The Devil Tempt You

Do you know why as a child of God you often encounter temptations?

Well, the reason why the devil tempts you is because he cannot touch you!

When you get born again of the incorruptible seed of the Word of God, you are identified in all realms as a son of God, having the same authority and power of Jesus. You carry the DNA of a victorious King who has stripped all powers and principalities and made a public spectacle of them.

God Is Good

Think about it, if the devil had any power left, he would have destroyed you long back.

 The devil knows that life and death are in the power of YOUR tongue (Proverbs 18:21), but the question is— do you, as a child of God, know this?

 That’s why the devil uses deception, lies and temptations to bring a child of God down. And, our ignorance of who we are in Him, and the power we possess, causes us to fall into these temptations.

 Because you don’t understand the power of your words, you end up making statements like: “Everybody is falling sick, it’s the season of flu”, “I have had this allergy since the last 15 years, there is no cure”, “By the 15th of every month my salary gets exhausted”, “I can never get out of this addiction”.

 If the devil can get you to speak against your own life, he can make sure that you never receive a breakthrough in that area. So he makes you say something against your own life and against your own blessing that will bring you down.

 We need to rise up and take our positions in Jesus Christ. By faith, we need to open our mouths and speak the language of God. Instead, we either keep quiet or speak our fears and defeat.

 Faith speaks. If there is faith, it has to speak. If you cannot speak, you cannot have victory. Remember, the violent take it by force, while the silent remain violated.

 Be bold, child of God, the devil cannot touch you because God promises that no weapon formed against you shall prosper(Isaiah 54:17). Tell that storm you are facing, tell that sickness you are fighting, tell that debt or lack you are facing, tell that addiction— Come meet my God!

 Stop succumbing to temptations, instead fight him back with the Word of God knowing that the battle is already won!



Author Kim D’Souza


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Here’s How To See Your Dreams Come True

Here’s How To See Your Dreams Come True

Most of us have dreams and desires that we want to see fulfilled in our lives. For some, it could be finding a godly partner for marriage. For others, it could be wanting a better job with a better pay or starting a new business.

God-given dreams are good, and it is something we should work towards and look forward to. But while we are waiting to see it fulfilled in our lives there are somethings that we can do that can accelerate the fulfillment of our dreams.

God Is Good

1. Be faithful in the little

    Matthew 25:21 says, “You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.”

    This is God’s formula of adding more in your life.

    When you are faithful with what has already been entrusted to you, God will add more in your life. When you are faithful in the phase of life that you are currently in, God will bring you into your new season.

    Maybe you are desiring to get married, but while you are waiting you can prepare yourself for the new season by working on yourself. Work on your character, work on establishing your career.

    Maybe you are desiring a new job, but while you are waiting you can do the current job with gratitude and excellence.

    Maybe you are desiring to start a new business, but while you are waiting and working towards it, you can bring order in the other areas of your life so that when the business starts your life doesn’t become chaotic.

    The perfect example would be the life of Daniel. Daniel 6:3 says, “Then this Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.”

    Daniel was too faithful in whatever was assigned to him that, by default, the next step was a promotion.

    When you are faithful in what has been given to you, you qualify yourself for an elevation.

    You may be thinking, “Oh, but that’s Daniel”. But we know that as born-again daughters of God, we have the same spirit in us that was in Daniel. So, if Daniel could do it, we too can do it.

    You may be asking why is this important.

    The Bible says in Luke 12:48, “..to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.”

    Whatever God has entrusted to you at this point in your life, God expects you to be faithful in it. And when He finds you faithful in what has already been given to you, He will entrust you with greater things.

    Whatever has been committed to us, the Bible says, an account will be asked of us. So, before we can ask for more, can we be found faithful in what is already committed to us?

    2. Gratitude

      As much as it is important for us to be faithful in what has been committed to us now, it is also important for us to carry a heart of gratitude.

      Carrying a heart of gratitude will accelerate God’s blessing over your life.

      1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

      When you are a grateful person you are in the will of God. And if you are in the will of God you are on the right track to receiving your breakthrough.

      If this post has blessed you, write back to us. We love to hear from you! 🙂


      Ria Jobin


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      Facing Long-Standing Problems- Here’s How To Qualify for an Instant Breakthrough

      Facing Long-Standing Problems- Here’s How To Qualify for an Instant Breakthrough

      Life is filled with challenges that test our patience, resilience, and most importantly, our faith. Whether it’s illness in the family, a troubled relationship, or any financial struggle, we face difficult situations in some or the other stage in our life.

      In our walk of faith, we have seen the faithfulness of God and breakthroughs in our lives in many situations.


      Many times we have this one problem, that we have been praying for many years, however not seen any changes. It almost feels like it is too big to overcome.

      Well if this is about you, read on…

      Here are 2 keys I have learnt from John 5, the incident of “the healing at the pool”, to build my faith in a challenge that I have been facing for many years, just like you.

      God Is Good
      1. Overcome doubt

      John 5:6, we read, “Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time.” This powerful verses tells us that Jesus sees and understands our struggles. When we face long standing challenges, it’s common to wonder in our hearts, “Jesus, do You see me? Do You know what I’m going through?”

      In times of prolonged struggle, it can feel like our prayers are going unheard, and the weight of our burdens can lead us to doubt. Yet, this encounter reminds us that Jesus sees and knows our situation. He isn’t distant or indifferent; He is fully aware of our pain and the length of our trials.

      Let us take a moment to reflect on this truth. Together, let’s repent in our hearts for any doubts we may have had. Let’s choose to believe, without doubt, that God is with us in our struggles. He walks alongside us, offering comfort, strength, and hope.

      1. Be quick in faith

      Now in John 5:8-9 we read,

      “Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked.”

      The key word here is immediately!

      When Jesus told him to rise up, take your bed and walk, the man didn’t hesitate. He responded to Jesus’ command with action. This is a crucial part of faith, not only believing but also acting upon that belief.

      Do you believe when Jesus speaks, change happens? This man had gone through years of suffering, but the transformation was instant. His quick faith and obedience in the words of Jesus altered his life —no more waiting.

      I believe the one thing that attracted Jesus to this man is the thirty eight years of faith he had shown by remaining near the pool every day and believing that at that pool he will receive his breakthrough.

      And rightly he received his breakthrough at that pool.

      Where you keep going back to, is where you put your faith in for your breakthrough.

      Don’t give up, continue to be in the presence of God daily and be renewed by the Word of God; because I believe that Jesus has located you and so has your breakthrough.


      Sheryl Gadre

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      These 2 Things Are Following You!🤫

      These 2 Things Are Following You!🤫

      Sons of God, I want to declare over you. Sickness shall not be your portion. Debt shall not be your portion. Anxiety is not what follows you. Fear is not suppose to chase you.

      In fact, according to the Word of God, as a Son of God only 2 things can follow you:

      1. Goodness & Mercy

      The Bible tells you that goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life. Wherever you go and whichever part of the world you go, goodness and mercy will never leave you.

      “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” (Psalm 23:6)

      Bigg Boss


       The second follower is signs. Mark 16:17-18 says, “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

      Remember, when you walk behind Jesus you have these two guaranteed followers who will never leave you.

      All you got to do is to believe! Rise up and take authority over every thing that is coming against you and your family to steal, kill and destroy. Rise up knowing you are enveloped in God’s unfailing goodness. Rise up knowing that all darkness has to hear you when the sons of light speak.


      Author Kim D’Souza

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      Life Lesson I Learned from Bigg Boss

      Life Lesson I Learned from Bigg Boss

      Before I begin, I have a confession to make. For many years, I was an ardent fan of a popular Indian TV show called ‘Bigg Boss’ (an Indian reality show franchise based on the Dutch show ‘Big Brother’). One of the reasons I was captivated by the show was the fact that I could get a glimpse into the lives of famous celebrities living in a house doing everyday life in front of the cameras.

      I was fascinated to see how my favourite celebrities mopped the floor, did the dishes, and prepared their food. I was so much into the show that missing even a single episode was simply out of the question. I planned my daily schedule around the show.

      Soon, I got to know one of my college mates was interning with the production house that produced Bigg Boss; wasting no time, I walked up to her to get some extra gossip about the celebrities on the program; to my utter disappointment, she wouldn’t indulge. Such was my craze for this program.

      Thankfully, later on, when much needed understanding came, I made a decision to stop watching the show. I realised the ugly fights, verbal abuse, gossip, backbiting, being fed to the viewers day in and day out were creating a negative impact on me and my house. So, I made a decision to be careful of what programs I chose to consume.

      Bigg Boss

      It’s been several years since I stopped watching the show. However, one of the things I still remember about Bigg Boss is that one of the many reasons celebrities would have an ugly spat was when any contestant spoke ill of another contestant’s father during an argument.

      The moment someone would utter a word against anyone’s father, you knew a big fight was about to erupt over this issue. Now this person would not let the other contestant go off easily. He/she would confront them, screaming at the top of their lungs, “Baap pe kaise gaya?” “How dare you go after my father?”

      You see, this was a very touchy topic for many of the contestants. Boundary lines were clearly drawn, and the message was clear, ‘you are not allowed to utter a word against my father’, and the others understood the message.

      Sometime back, while reading my Bible, the Holy Spirit reminded me of this line, ‘Baap pe kaise gaya?’ As I began to think about it, the Holy Spirit said that many times, when the devil brings doubt or wrong thoughts about your Heavenly Father, what should be your response? Many of our doubts, fears, anxieties, and insecurities arise from the fact that we, in our hearts, do not believe in the goodness of our Heavenly Father.

      Do we really believe in the goodness of God?

      Many issues of our lives stem from the fact that we doubt in our hearts that our Heavenly Father truly loves us. The Bible in the book of Genesis talks about the devil sowing the seeds of doubt in Adam and Eve against God and they eventually disbelieved God and sinned against Him. It is no wonder, then, that the devil is called the father of lies, “When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44

      Girls, when we are faced with a tough situation and our hearts question our Father’s love and care for us, the devil may find it as a good opportunity to sow his seeds of doubt and lies in us against our loving Heavenly Father. That has been his agenda since day one to separate God’s children from God.

      We have a choice either to sit back, savour those lies, dwell on it, become hopeless and sad or stand up with a holy anger and shout at the devil, “Baap pe kaise Gaya”? Our boundary lines have to be clear that no one is allowed to put in us an ill thought against our Father. Our Father’s love and plans are for our good.

      We may not always think about Him, but He always thinks about us. We, as His children, are always on His mind. Every good thing comes from the father of lights. He is too good, generous, kind, and compassionate.

      Today, if a seed of disbelief about a situation that you are faced with is coming in your head, stand up and say, “Baap pe kaise gaya?”

      Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you.” Isaiah 54:10

      Nadia Feroz

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      Your Season Has Changed!

      Your Season Has Changed!

      Sure, you are aware of seasons.

      When weather or climatic conditions remain constant over a period of time, it becomes a season. It’s these seasons that drive the way we go about our routine life.

      Similarly, we go through seasons in our personal life. These seasons impact us and influence our behaviors and decisions. Maybe you are reading this and you are going through a season of lack, or sickness, or defeat.

      I have got good news for you: Your season has changed!

      Yes, believe it no matter what.


      On his way to Jerusalem when Jesus was hungry, He saw a fig tree from far and He drew near to find fruit (Mark 11: 12-14). But the fig tree was screaming in its heart, “It’s not my season, so I don’t have any fruit.”

      Did not the creator God know about His creation? Did Jesus not know that it was not the fig tree’s season?

      The fact that the “Word” drew near it from far was enough for its season to change. But the fig tree was still focused on the natural. I hope that fig tree is not you. I hope you are not settled in a season of pity, discouragement and hurt over what has happened in the past.

      So what brings about changes in the season in the kingdom we come from?

      It is the “Now Word” of God that causes the seasons to change!

      In the realms of the spirit, your season changes, when the NOW WORD comes. And sooner than later, it has to manifest in the natural.

      In fact even when you are not in your season as per the world, you can still bear fruit, according to the Word. The Bible says: They that delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. Psalm 1:2-3, NLT

      So if you are not bearing fruit, check if you are planted by the living stream of the Word of God.

      Let me remind you again. Girl, as you put faith in this now Word that you are reading, your season has changed. You are not called to live at the mercy of seasons, but you are called to usher heaven’s seasons into the natural.

      Author Kim D’souza

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