God’s Shut Doors Can Mean Life!

God’s Shut Doors Can Mean Life!

In the book of Genesis, we read an account of Noah, a righteous man who walked with God (Genesis 6:9).

A day came in Noah’s life when God shut him in (Genesis 7:16). New Living Translation of the Bible says: The LORD closed the door behind them.

This was when Noah, his family members, and all living creatures had entered the ark.



When God shut the door behind Noah, the rain hadn’t started pouring yet. Am sure Noah must have wondered:

What next?

But it was that shut door that set the difference between destruction and safety, between storm and peace, between despair and hope and between life and death.

If you are reading this and if at this moment you are standing against a slammed door in your life, be encouraged for God’s shut doors can mean life.

Would you take a moment and praise God for that shut door of your opportunity, dream or desire? Allow me to repeat- God’s shut doors can mean life!

Author Kim D’Souza

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God’s Plan to Save, Protect and Flourish YOU!

God’s Plan to Save, Protect and Flourish YOU!

Some months back, I found a rose plant that was left by someone beneath my building. It was drying up and almost dead. I was going to simply pass by it, but I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit asking me to save this plant. I heard Him say, “Take it; I will put life in it and make it beautiful.”

So I took it home and started taking caring of this rose plant intensely. I began to water it daily, cut off all dead branches, till the soil etc. However, five months passed and there was no change – no new leaves, no growth at all. The plant still looked weak and almost dead.

I was discouraged and took this matter to the Lord. Then the Lord gave me a strategy. I heard God’s voice instructing me to make a certain preparation which was to be used twice a month on the plant. I simply obeyed. Three months passed and the results were amazing. The branches became full of beautiful green leaves with no sign of worms or infection. The plant started budding and soon the first rose blossomed! Here is how it looks now…

Gods Plan for you

I believe this plant had a supernatural growth in the presence of my God who gives life, and not just life, but life in abundance.

As the Psalmist says in Psalms 121:1-3 TPT

I look up to the mountains and hills, longing for God’s help. But then I realize that our true help and protection is only from the Lord, our Creator who made the heavens and the earth. He will guard and guide me, never letting me stumble or fall. God is my keeper; he will never forget nor ignore me.

Put your Hope in God

How God gave us hope

Here’s what I realized through all this – We were once weak and almost left dead like that plant with little or no hope. And when everyone else gave up on us, Jesus walked into our situation and breathed life into us and cleaned us up from the roots. He renewed our strength that we may fly like eagles. He clothed us with honor and wrapped us in His protection. And He made us grow and even added His fragrance on us.

This is our God! So don’t lose hope, for God’s plan is to save, protect and flourish you!

Dear sister, may this post encourage you!

No matter how dead your situation may look right now, I encourage you to give your God a chance. For God’s plan is for good and not evil, to give you hope and a future. And I assure you, you will watch Him breathe life into your situation as you trust and hope in Him. If He could care for a small road –side plant, how much more would He care for you!

Rinku Padiyar

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Six Lies Single Girls Believe (FREE EBOOK)

Six Lies Single Girls Believe (FREE EBOOK)

Are you single and ready to mingle? Or are you in a relationship and you are wondering if it is from God ? We have good news for you!!!

Presenting our FREE 6-day devotional: Six Lies Single Girls Believe

This devotional based on the Word of God is crafted especially for you, as you grapple through your single years, so you have God’s perspective of singlehood and marriage. Each day a lie of the enemy is exposed and countered with the promise of God. This devotional will liberate you and leave you to ponder on God’s wonderful plan for your life when it comes to the way God intends relationships to be and the common mistakes that can be avoided.

Six Lies Girls believe


Team Soar Girls


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3 Simple Ways To Stir Up Your Gifts

3 Simple Ways To Stir Up Your Gifts

Every child of God is ordained with unique gifts given by the Holy Spirit for common good and primarily to benefit the body of Christ. (1 Corinthians 12: 7-11). Maybe you are gifted to exhort, teach, lead worship, serve or intercede – whatever it is, once you know your area of gifting or calling it’s important that you constantly grow in it. Jesus, in the parable of talents (Mathew 25:14-30) mentions that we would be held accountable for what has been given to us. Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy saying, “Fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you” (2 Timothy 1:6).

The gift is in us, but the responsibility is on us to stir up those gifts for God’s glory!

You are the gift

Here are three simple ways to stir up your gifts:

1.Specific meditation

Study the word of God and meditate specifically upon every scripture that speaks of your area of gifting. For instance, if you are ordained for the prophetic, study the old and new testament and underline and meditate upon every prophesy. Ask questions: Why is it given? What were the circumstances? What does God want to teach me here? Or suppose your calling is in the area of worship, pick up a Bible concordance and jot down every scripture that speaks of praise and worship and meditate upon it. As you chew His word, Holy Spirit will reveal more insights to you.

Nowadays it’s very easy to get a theme-based Bible. These carry additional insights and titbits on a particular theme, which are very helpful. Like for instance, one of my areas of ministry is encouragement and that’s how I purchased an NIV Encouragement Bible by Zondervan which has helped me immensely.

2.Learn from the men of God

Elijah was one of the most renowned prophets in Israel’s history mentioned in the Bible and Elisha was his protégé. Elisha wanted to carry on the ministry of Elijah and he knew that he would have to stay close to him to learn all that he could. I enjoy the fact that three times Elijah tried to send Elisha away when the Lord was about to take him, but Elisha would hear nothing of it and that’s how he managed to receive Elijah’s mantle of anointing in double portion.

Lesson? Passionately follow the lives of Spirit-filled ministers of God with common grounds of gifting as yours. You can connect with them through their teaching videos, books etc. Learn their good lessons in ministry and avoid their mistakes. This is one of the ways in which anointing flows.

3.Get into action

The best way to develop your gift is to use it by faith. If you don’t exercise your gifting, you will see yourself becoming weaker in that area. Be bold to act upon what the Holy Spirit impresses upon your heart- be it in the church or outside. For God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind (2 Timothy1:7). As you humbly yield to the Holy Spirit, you will continue to grow stronger in your gifting.

These are some of the basic pointers to help you grow in your gifting. Any other points that you can add? Also for more information in this area, questions or doubts, you can revert to us through the comment section below.

Hope these simple ways to stir up your gifts blessed you!

Team Soar Girls


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FREE! Printable Bookmarks For You

FREE! Printable Bookmarks For You

Hey Girls, You are not ordinary! You are set apart, You are a woman of character, led by the Spirit of God. You are unique, valued, and accepted.

These are not just positive statements to make you feel good, but these are God’s thoughts over you. And the Bible says, Let God be true and every man a liar (Rom 3:4)

Well, you see, it’s very important that you know who you are and whose you are. You belong to Jesus and you are the seed of God! Therefore it matters what God says about you more than what your peers, your parents, siblings or others say.

And guess what? God speaks good things over you, He sings for joy over you and He calls you His ‘son’.

In order that you are constantly reminded of truths from the Word of God, our team has created beautiful (both sides) Printable Bookmarks just for you!!

Printable Bookmarks

So, grab hold of these free bookmarks and make sure that every time you come across them, you declare out loud these truths and promises over your life.

Don’t forget to share these with your friends too!

Team Soar Girls


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