Never Do This

Never Do This

Yes, you heard me right—never compare yourself to someone else, especially those you see on social media.

I remember when I was single, I would often look at beautiful photos of a girl who regularly posted on Instagram. She lived in a foreign country, had a boyfriend, and traveled to amazing places. I remember telling my friend, “Look how happy she is! She’s living her best life and has found the perfect partner.” My friend quickly responded, “Don’t be deceived by what you see on Instagram. My husband met them, and she constantly argues with her boyfriend. She’s not happy at all.”

I was shocked. It made me realize that no one posts their struggles on social media. Everyone shows only the good parts of their lives. They don’t reveal the fights, the depression, the loneliness, the issues—they just post a picture that tells a different story.

And here we are, thinking their life is perfect. Funny, isn’t it? 😄


Never Do This

Comparing yourself to others robs you of the joy of what you have and what God is doing in your life. It makes you think others have it better. You’ve probably heard the saying, “The grass is greener on the other side.”

But God calls those who compare themselves unwise. In 2 Corinthians 10:12 (AMP), it says, “When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding and behave unwisely.”

Let me tell you this: you are God’s best. He chose you to live an incredible adventure. Whether in public or in private, you are called to experience His fullness and joy. The best way to do that is by focusing on your own journey and what God has called you to do.

When you prioritize your relationship with God, you will witness His goodness. The joy that comes from that relationship is incomparable to anything the world can offer.

There will be moments when even your phone can’t capture the  joy you feel when you are in His presence.

Trust God!
Remember Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Hold on to this promise. God never breaks His promise!

Alisha Joji

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These 2 Things Are Following You!🤫

These 2 Things Are Following You!🤫

Sons of God, I want to declare over you. Sickness shall not be your portion. Debt shall not be your portion. Anxiety is not what follows you. Fear is not suppose to chase you.

In fact, according to the Word of God, as a Son of God only 2 things can follow you:

1. Goodness & Mercy

The Bible tells you that goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life. Wherever you go and whichever part of the world you go, goodness and mercy will never leave you.

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” (Psalm 23:6)

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 The second follower is signs. Mark 16:17-18 says, “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

Remember, when you walk behind Jesus you have these two guaranteed followers who will never leave you.

All you got to do is to believe! Rise up and take authority over every thing that is coming against you and your family to steal, kill and destroy. Rise up knowing you are enveloped in God’s unfailing goodness. Rise up knowing that all darkness has to hear you when the sons of light speak.


Author Kim D’Souza

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How To Receive God’s Blueprint for Your Life- Part 2

How To Receive God’s Blueprint for Your Life- Part 2

In the last post we talked about what a Blueprint is and why Blueprints are important for our lives. If you missed it you can read it here.

In this post we will talk about 4 Keys to receive God’s blueprint over your life.

How to receive God’s Blueprint over your life? 4 Keys:

1. A custom of intimacy

A custom of intimacy with God will give you the blueprint for your life. However, the problem arises when we limit God to a prayer-answering machine. If all we can ask God is, “Let me have a good day,” “let me get a good job,” “let me find a good partner,” then there is a problem. If we can seek God beyond our daily needs, He can give us the blueprint for our lives.

“Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed. And Simon and those who were with Him searched for Him. When they found Him, they said to Him, “Everyone is looking for You.” But He said to them, “Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I have come forth.” (Mark 1:35-38)

Jesus had a custom of spending time with God early in the morning. And because of that, He knew the purpose for which He was sent. When you follow a custom of fellowshipping with God, you will receive the blueprint for your life. When you don’t have a custom of spending time with God, you will drift off your purpose.

There were so many things crying for Jesus’s attention. If Jesus didn’t know the purpose of His life, He would have gone to the people who were looking for Him. The more quality and sacrificial time you give to God, the more you will be planned and sharp in what you do.

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2. A custom of thanksgiving

Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days. (Daniel 6:10)

It was Daniel’s custom to pray & “give thanks” to the Lord. In order for something to become a custom or a lifestyle, you must believe in its power. Daniel believed in the power of thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving will propel you to receive blueprints for your breakthrough. Thanksgiving is a sign of faith. When you make it a custom, you show God you believe in its power.

3. Be in the right environment

“So it was, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned for many days; I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven.” (Nehemiah 1:4)

The reason why Nehemiah received a blueprint was because when he heard the words of Hanani, he wept, prayed and fasted for days. In his consistent seeking of the Lord, the Lord gave him the plan to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Blueprints are given to you when you genuinely and consistently seek God.

Be surrounded by people who are connected to the living stream and bring you the “Now Word.”

“that I gave the charge of Jerusalem to my brother Hanani, and Hananiah the leader of the citadel, for he was a faithful man and feared God more than many.” (Nehemiah 7:2)

Nehemiah remained a cupbearer until Hanani brought a word to him. It was a word from Hanani that triggered Nehemiah to seek the Lord in prayer & fasting. Nehemiah 7:2 talks about how Nehemiah put Hanani, along with Hananiah, in charge of Jerusalem, indicating his trustworthiness.

This shows how Hanani was not an ordinary man but a prophet himself.

Make sure you surround yourself with the voice that triggers you to seek the Lord. The more you align yourself with the living stream that is bringing you the now Word, the manner in which you receive blueprints will accelerate in your life.

4. Grow in your identity

Blueprints are handed over to you when you begin to understand who you are.

Ecclesiastes 8:4 says, “Where the word of a king is, there is power;”. You are that king. When a daughter of God stands up and says a statement even the devil will have to agree because she knows who she is. Your words will be very casual when you don’t know who you are.

The same offer that God gave to Abraham is available to you because you are a child of Abraham. If God gave the blueprint of nations to Abraham, that belongs to us also.

You are My Son,
Today I have begotten You.
Ask of Me, and I will give You
The nations for Your inheritance
(Psalm 2:7-8)

Our God is a God who deals in blueprints. Every child of God has access to these blueprints, but the question is, can God trust you with it?

Author Kim D’Souza

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How To Receive God’s Blueprint for Your Life- Part 1

How To Receive God’s Blueprint for Your Life- Part 1

God wants to give you the blueprint for your life, whether it is for your career, relationships, or finances.

What is a Blueprint?

A blueprint is a guide for making something — it’s a design or pattern that can be followed. A blueprint is the details on which your life can be built.

Why are Blueprints important?

The devil has no problem when your daily prayers get answered. But there is something that he fights with all his might- The handover of blueprints.

Because it is always a detailed plan that comes before construction, if you don’t have a blueprint, you won’t be effective.

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How Blueprints can destroy the enemy’s agendas over your life

“Now the king of Syria was making war against Israel; and he consulted with his servants, saying, “My camp will be in such and such a place.” And the man of God sent to the king of Israel, saying, “Beware that you do not pass this place, for the Syrians are coming down there.” Then the king of Israel sent someone to the place of which the man of God had told him. Thus he warned him, and he was watchful there, not just once or twice.” (2 Kings 6:8-10)

The king of Syria was making war against Israel. But every time the king of Syria made a strategy, prophet Elisha would have already received his plan and warned the king of Israel.

When a man walks with God, he starts downloading even the enemy’s blueprints.

God wants to give you precise blueprints that will cause confusion in the enemy camp and expose the hidden agendas of the enemy for your life; blueprints that will destroy the works of the enemy and even make your bosses talk about you.

When Blueprints come, then comes grace

“..that Hanani one of my brethren came with men from Judah; and I asked them concerning the Jews who had escaped, who had survived the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem. And they said to me, “The survivors who are left from the captivity in the province are there in great distress and reproach. The wall of Jerusalem is also broken down, and its gates are burned with fire.” So it was, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned for many days; I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven.” (Nehemiah 1:1-4)

Nehemiah was a cupbearer to the King of Persia. He loved God. When he got to know about the state of Jerusalem and the Jews there he wept and began to seek God in prayer & fasting. During this time, he received a blueprint of what to do.

“So I prayed to the God of heaven. And I said to the king, “If it pleases the king, and if your servant has found favor in your sight, I ask that you send me to Judah, to the city of my fathers’ tombs, that I may rebuild it.” (Nehemiah 2:4-5)

When God gives you a blueprint, He always gives you the grace to implement it. All you need to do is follow instructions. Not only did the king allow Nehemiah to go to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls, but he also granted every other request Nehemiah made for his journey and for the rebuilding. When Nehemiah received God’s blueprint for the rebuilding of his city, he also received the grace to implement it.

“And the king granted them to me according to the good hand of my God upon me.” (2 Kings 2:8)

And we see how the rebuilding of the walls, which would have otherwise taken a long time, was completed in just 52 days.

“So the wall was finished on the twenty-fifth day of Elul, in fifty-two days.” (Nehemiah 6:15)

In the next post, we will talk about 4 Keys to receive God’s blueprint over your life.


Author Kim D’Souza

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Heaven Has Endless Supply & It’s Yours To Claim!

Heaven Has Endless Supply & It’s Yours To Claim!

Child of God, I got good news for you!

Your source of supply is heaven, where there are no limits.

When you look at things in the natural – like your bank balance or job, you will always find that the demand arising out of your needs is more and supply seems to be always limited. However, in the Kingdom that we belong to, the equation is completely opposite because here there is always an overflow.

How to tap into heaven’s unlimited supply

In heaven, there is never a lack. And the way you can tap into this supply is through faith.

When Jesus was surrounded by a hungry crowd of people who had nothing to eat, the disciples realised that the supply was very limited as they found one boy with 5 loaves and 2 fishes. But when this boy operated in faith and gave away his provision to Jesus, immediately, the people saw the unlimited supply of heaven manifest.

So you see, the supply was not limited; in fact, there were 12 baskets in excess, and the food stopped multiplying to avoid wastage.

Similarly, 2 Kings 4 speaks of a certain widow who cried out to Elisha due to lack of supply, as her creditor was coming to take her two sons to be his slaves. But Elisha gave her a demo of the unlimited supply.

When she obeyed the NOW Word of God coming through the prophet, her faith caused the unlimited supply to open. As many vessels as she and her sons could gather, they got filled with oil.

According to 2 Kings 4:6, the moment no jar was left, the oil stopped flowing. Yet, with what she received, she could pay off her debts and live on what was left.

Again, you see, the supply of heaven was unlimited. In fact the demand could not match up with it. Wow!

Luke 5:4-11 speaks of another incident when Peter had toiled all night to catch fish but got no success. The supply in the natural seemed limited. But Jesus asked Peter to launch into the deep and let his nets down. When Peter obeyed the Word, he caught a “great multitude” of fish. The unlimited supply of heaven manifested and had to stop only because the nets were breaking.

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Be strengthened in your faith as you read this

Know that:
1. Heaven has unlimited supply for your needs.
2. This unlimited supply is exceedingly greater than your demands.
3. You can get access to this unlimited supply through faith in doing what God is asking you to do.

Heaven has Unlimited Supply, & it’s yours to take!

Author Kim D’souza

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Feeling Hopeless? Here’s How To Overcome

Feeling Hopeless? Here’s How To Overcome

Have you ever been under pressure? Or you have lost all hope and dwelling in your negative situation? You ask yourself when will I be out of this? Will there be a solution to the problem? Will I get a job? Will I be able to pass the test? Will I come out of this sickness?

Well, you are not the only one who faced these situations. Paul and his gang felt the same.

2 Corinthians 1:8-9 says, “For we do not want you to be unaware, brothers, of the affliction we experienced in Asia. For we were so utterly burdened beyond our strength that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt that we had received the sentence of death.

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So what was Paul feeling?

To despair means to feel a profound sense of hopelessness. When someone is in a state of despair, they may feel overwhelmed by negative emotions and believe that there is no solution to their problems. It’s a deep and often painful feeling of sadness and resignation.

An Invitation To Depend on God

We, too, may have felt the same way, but Paul continues to tell us the reason why he went through it. 2 Corinthians 1:9-10 says, “But that was to make us rely not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead. He delivered us from such a deadly peril, and He will deliver us. On Him we have set our hope that He will deliver us again.

Wow! Paul says that the situation became so bad but it was only so Paul could rely on God, the One who raises the dead. He goes on to say after relying on God, God delivered them from a deadly peril and He continues to deliver them. Paul had the hope that God would deliver them again. He continues to depend on God even after that situation has passed.

Dear Sister, if you ever find yourself stuck in a problem and you’ve lost hope, this is an invitation to try God. Every time you feel you’ve lost, it is the end of the rope. You did your best, but nothing came out of it; God is calling you to try again, and now with Him in the situation.

Even after you are out of that situation, God is inviting you to continue to depend on Him.

Depending on God = Prayer

In the end, Paul shows us how to depend on God, and that is through prayer. 2 Corinthians 1:11 says, “ you help us by your prayers.

Depending on God is when you bring everything to God in prayer and you put your trust in what He says in His Word and not what your situation tells you.

I want to encourage you to hear this song today- “What a Friend we have in Jesus”, and sing it out loud.

Give all your problems and burdens to Jesus in prayer. Talk to Him, surrender your burden and depend on Him. He has the solution to everything you are facing today.

Alisha Joji

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