Here’s How To See Your Dreams Come True
Most of us have dreams and desires that we want to see fulfilled in our lives. For some, it could be finding a godly partner for marriage. For others, it could be wanting a better job with a better pay or starting a new business.
God-given dreams are good, and it is something we should work towards and look forward to. But while we are waiting to see it fulfilled in our lives there are somethings that we can do that can accelerate the fulfillment of our dreams.
1. Be faithful in the little
Matthew 25:21 says, “You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.”
This is God’s formula of adding more in your life.
When you are faithful with what has already been entrusted to you, God will add more in your life. When you are faithful in the phase of life that you are currently in, God will bring you into your new season.
Maybe you are desiring to get married, but while you are waiting you can prepare yourself for the new season by working on yourself. Work on your character, work on establishing your career.
Maybe you are desiring a new job, but while you are waiting you can do the current job with gratitude and excellence.
Maybe you are desiring to start a new business, but while you are waiting and working towards it, you can bring order in the other areas of your life so that when the business starts your life doesn’t become chaotic.
The perfect example would be the life of Daniel. Daniel 6:3 says, “Then this Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.”
Daniel was too faithful in whatever was assigned to him that, by default, the next step was a promotion.
When you are faithful in what has been given to you, you qualify yourself for an elevation.
You may be thinking, “Oh, but that’s Daniel”. But we know that as born-again daughters of God, we have the same spirit in us that was in Daniel. So, if Daniel could do it, we too can do it.
You may be asking why is this important.
The Bible says in Luke 12:48, “..to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.”
Whatever God has entrusted to you at this point in your life, God expects you to be faithful in it. And when He finds you faithful in what has already been given to you, He will entrust you with greater things.
Whatever has been committed to us, the Bible says, an account will be asked of us. So, before we can ask for more, can we be found faithful in what is already committed to us?
2. Gratitude
As much as it is important for us to be faithful in what has been committed to us now, it is also important for us to carry a heart of gratitude.
Carrying a heart of gratitude will accelerate God’s blessing over your life.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
When you are a grateful person you are in the will of God. And if you are in the will of God you are on the right track to receiving your breakthrough.
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Ria Jobin
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