A Letter to the People Pleaser

A Letter to the People Pleaser


Dear People Pleaser,

I write this to you out of love and concern.

Time is running out faster than you can imagine, and if you are using bulk of your time trying to please people around you – that’s a sheer waste!

The very purpose you were created was to please your Creator. And it doesn’t matter what people think about you, because it was never about them. Don’t base your life on others’ approval of you for you are not what they say you are; you are what Jesus says you are – valued and accepted!

Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions subdue the whispers of the Holy Spirit. Don’t let their words choke your God-given vision.

Again, don’t live for recognition or man’s empty applause. The more you expect from men, the more you will be disappointed, but the more you expect from God, the more you will be filled. You are weak if you are making flesh your strength (Jeremiah 17:5), instead choose to live by the Spirit.

photo(6)In your job, in your career, in your ministry, in your church, don’t run to win the favour of ‘Mr. Influence’.

That’s feeble.

Your source is not man, your source is God. And when you seek God’s favour, man’s favour follows suit.

If you are busy pleasing men, you are no longer worthy of Him (Galatians 1:10). Seek His heart, not the platform. Don’t strive to be popular, but day after day, strive to be more passionate about Jesus.

Not how I regard the position of men but whether I truly teach the way of God (Mark 12:14).

Not how many people I am able to please in my audience by what I say, but whether I live for the audience of my Jesus.

Not how many books or songs I am able to sell, but whether my words have power to sustain the weary (Isaiah 50:4).

Not how many friends or likes I have on Facebook, but how am I glorifying Jesus in there.

Not what cool gadget or hand phone I use, but how much have I invested in my inner self.

Do not conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:1). Because when you conform, you compromise.

You are not called to fit in the world, but to set yourself apart for God. So… love people unconditionally, but seek to please God and God alone.

Live to be a Jesus pleaser! Today let’s start afresh.

Learning alongside you…
Pastor Kim D’souza

Why Every Woman Should Remember Anna

Why Every Woman Should Remember Anna

There was also a prophet, Anna, the daughter of Penuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, and then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.

Luke 2:36-38

Anna’s story wraps up in just three Scriptures in the Bible, but what a powerful testimony her life was! Here is why I believe every woman (and of course men too!) should remember Anna:

Anna was a prophetess

Anna will remind you that you have a calling on your life. Anna was living at that time and in that season for a purpose. Similarly you are here in this world not by chance or by mistake. You are here because God in His wisdom positioned you for this season and for a specific reason. Come on, you better not give up, let up or shut up until you start walking in your purpose.

Anna was a widow and she was old

Anna will remind you that you are God’s workmanship and your calling doesn’t depend on who you are, but to whom you belong. You may be beyond your age; You may be broken; You may have a past; You may not have much ‘talent’, You may be abandoned and left all alone –but it DOESN’T matter because as long as you are available for God, He will make you able.


Anna never left the temple

Anna will remind you that your breakthrough will come only by being in the presence of God. Anna’s biggest tragedy became a launch pad for her to meet her creator. While she had a chance to grumble or complain night and day, she chose to worship instead. There sure must be visitors to the temple who made fun of her or called her a ‘false prophetess’, but Anna’s focus remain undeterred. She chose to be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and not to the voice of the world.

Anna’s life was a life of prayer

Anna will remind you that for children of God, waiting isn’t a passive period. The word ‘waiting’ in Hebrew is Quava, which means to be inter-twined or bind like a rope. As Anna waited for the fulfillment of God’s promise in her life, she fasted and sought the Lord in prayer. She was one with God and His Word. Waiting is getting alone with God. It is being in constant communion with Him in prayer. It is earnestly seeking His will. It is being thankful.

Anna was a witness

Anna will remind you to look beyond your circumstances and witness to a world that is lost and desperate to hear the good news. Never be ashamed to share the gospel for the gospel  is the power of God unto salvation for all those who believe (Romans 1:16).

Anna in Hebrew means ‘Grace’

Finally, Anna will remind you that you are a product of God’s grace. God’s grace is unchanging, remaining and new every morning. It is more than enough for you! You are held by His grace and it is His grace that will see you through in every test of your life.

What have you learned from Anna? Anything you want to add?

Hear From the Greatest Lover of All Times

Hear From the Greatest Lover of All Times

(By Pastor Derrick D’souza)


From the Father,  To You…

My love for you existed even before it could get conceived in your heart (1 John 4:19)

My love for you is a fruit of my will and pleasure.  (Ephesians 1: 5)

My love for you made me give you all that I ever had (John 3:16)

My love for you overflows. My love calls you as my very own (1 John 3:1)

My love laid upon ‘Himself’ all that you deserved (John 15:13, 1 John 3:16-18)

My love gives you a root to grow. My love establishes you. My love surpasses all knowledge (Ephesians 3:17-19)

My love for you does not depend on what state you are in, I love you anyways! (Romans 5:8)

My love gives you authority because my love makes you blameless  (Ephesians 1: 4).

My love walks before you and prepares a beautiful destiny for you  (1 Corinthians 2:9)

My love for you is unfailing. My love for you sets the standard for patience, kindness, forgiveness, humility and every virtue that you can think of (1 Corinthians 13:4-12)

My love takes away your guilt and fears. My love sets you free (1 John 4:18-19)

My love for you is great, sometimes it is even called as grace! (Ephesians 2:4-5)

Nothing – nothing at all can separate you from My love (Romans 8:35-39)

You were born of Me. I am love…(1 John 4:18)

The Incredible Power Behind Submission

The Incredible Power Behind Submission

I was following my daily bible reading planner for 2014, when I stumbled upon a very important principle which will help you to grow in every area of your life.

I noticed that the word “Submit” was mentioned for the first time in the Bible in the story of Hagar and Ishmael. We all know the story of Hagar (Abraham’s wife’s maidservant) who was given to Abraham to bear him children since his wife Sarah was barren. However, Hagar began to despise her mistress once she knew she had conceived. Sarah ill-treated Hagar and she fled from her into the desert. God, however found Hagar and stated this “Go back to your mistress and submit to her” and then declared the future of this child in Genesis 16:12.

“He will be a wild donkey of a man; His hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him and he will live in hostility towards all his brothers”

I have never looked at this verse the way I have looked at this today. However, through my own experiences and from watching the life’s of others I have always seen the exact same outcome overshadow anyone who is in rebellion or who has not learnt the power of submission. The spiritual significance of this statement made by the angel of the Lord can be looked at in two ways:

(a) God was telling Hagar the future of this child and his destiny.

(b) God was spiritually speaking about the nature of the seed that one carries when there is no submission.

Dictionary meaning of submit

Webster’s revised unabridged dictionary has some really powerful meanings for the word “submit” which would help me make my point:

1) To yield, resign, or surrender to power, will, or authority

2) To yield one’s person to the power of another; to give up resistance; to surrender.

3) To yield one’s opinion to the opinion of authority of another; to be subject;

4) To be submissive or resigned, to yield without murmuring.

In true submission lies great strength

How many of us have been in a situation where you reasoned that running away from a problem was the best solution, yet you never had a peace in your heart about what you were going to do!!

The Bible teaches us that in true submission lies great strength. Jesus submitted to the father in reverent obedience and hence God exalted Him and gave Him the name above all names.

Five principles of submission

My dear friends, here are some lessons and blessings that can be yours if you will simply submit and seek God in your situation rather than run from it.

1.  If you are not seeing victory over specific strongholds, addictions, or bad habits in your life, you are not in submission to God and hence the devil has a foothold in your life or else he would have to flee. Submit yourselves to God and then resist the devil, and he will flee from you (James 4:7).

2. If you are having strife in your marriage then it could be because either one partner is not submissive or loving as Christ as it was meant to be (Ephesians 5:22, 25). Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. …….Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

3. If you are not prospering at your job then it could be very well that you have never submitted to the instruction of your superiors; or failed to walk with integrity of heart; or yield without murmuring to their instruction as you always found fault or had an opinion of your own!!

Colossians 3:22-24 says: Slaves, (employees) obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. This rule is paramount for success in every area of life even in the ministry that God has called you.

4.  If you are not pleasing God and growing in maturity in your walk and talk with God and man then it could be that you are still in control and have not surrendered to your life to the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:6-8 says: The mind of the sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace….Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God.

5. Last but not the least, if your thoughts are always boring, sad, negative or give way to feelings of low self worth, then you are not submitting and practising the Word of God in your life. Isaiah 55:9: says “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Let’s begin this year with submitting to the things of God. You may have to submit with gritted teeth initially; however, I can bet you if you hang in there and have an attitude of submission God will raise you up!

How to run from God

How to run from God

LOL..Indeed, no point in running away from God because we really can’t. As simple as that.

I always remember that scene from my favourite Tom and Jerry cartoon, where Jerry is running hard to get away from Tom, but despite all his efforts Jerry finds himself in the same spot because Tom has got his finger on his tail!

Not to say that God is like Tom, but that He loves us too much to let go of us. And the best option that we have is to RUN INTO His loving arms!

Where is God when it hurts?

Where is God when it hurts?

 – Acquired as a slave

– Forced to bear her master’s child

– Ill-treated during pregnancy

– Persecuted to run away

– & finally abandoned!

What the Egyptian girl Hagar went through is indeed disheartening. In the eyes of the world, she always was and will be the ‘extra’ woman in Abram and Sarai’s life.

Then one day Hagar conceived. Soon as if her suppressed contempt found boldness, she became vocal in despising her mistress Sarai. But the move backfired – Sarai took free permission from Abram whose child Hagar was bearing to ill-treat her more!

“Your servant is in your hands. Do with her whatever you think is best,” is what Abram told Sarai.

Run away
And the pregnant Hagar had no option but to run away. Run away from her fears, run away from her past, run away to a place where no one could have ever found her.

Genesis 16:7 says that the angel of God found her!

For an Egyptian who grew up worshipping pagan Gods, here she was talking face to face with someone she only heard her master talk about. Who was this God? Did this God really could see her plight? And why would He bother about someone so ‘lowly’ like her?

And Hagar named this God as El Roi–the God who sees me. For she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”

God told Hagar to go back and submit to her mistress, and as she would do that she received a promise, that never ever any woman in the Scripture received– “I will so increase your descendants that they will be too numerous to count.”

And Hagar obeyed. Soon she bore forth a son and called him Ishmael, meaning “God listens”.

For He who has promised is faithful (Heb 10:23b)
Later on we see in Genesis 21, how God kept his promise to Hagar and Ishmael and till date He has been true to His word.

Where is God when it hurts?

Are you at a crossroad in your life, wondering whether there is a God. Or you are saying I know there is, but does He really care about me? Where is He when my life hurts?

The Bible says: The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalms 34:18).

The God who changed the destiny of an Egyptian slave girl, is interested to change yours too. He is your El Roi, the one who sees all your hurts. Instead of running away from your situation, would you choose to trust and submit to Him today, just as Hagar did?