Finding True Peace, Where There Seems to be None

Finding True Peace, Where There Seems to be None

“When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. Rev 6:3-4

Recently, I have been meditating on the Book of Revelations when I came across these verses. This made me think about a world without peace, so much so that people would want to kill each other. The thought itself was saddening. But the Lord reminded me of this beautiful verse from John 14:27.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” Jhn 14:27

Divine peace of Christ

Hope dawned in my heart as I read these verses. There are two kinds of peace. The peace offered by this world and the peace offered by Jesus Christ. The peace offered by this world, according to the Word of God, is temporary. Truth is, one day soon, the peace of this world is going to be taken away.

But, as children of God, this is our hope and confidence – our peace is not drawn out of this world. Yes, we are grateful for the peace and security around us. But even when it’s gone our true source of peace still remains, that is the divine peace of Jesus Christ.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:6-7

The peace He gives is a promise that cannot be taken away by the circumstances of this world. And this divine peace guards our hearts and minds against all the external attacks of the enemy.

If you are going through a ‘peace-less’ situation today, I encourage you to get your gaze back on Jesus. Meditate on the Word of God and the promises of God; come into His presence and lay down all your worries and anxieties at His feet, and embrace the peace He offers. For He has promised to keep in perfect peace those whose eyes are fixed on Him.

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” Isa 26:3


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FREE HD Phone Wallpapers – Giveaway for the Month!!!

FREE HD Phone Wallpapers – Giveaway for the Month!!!

Hey girls, how has the month of July been for you? We have been having great fun creating Biblical content and sharing it with you through our blog week after week. Thank you so much for your replies to our mails. It’s such a joy to hear from you.

We love to do what we do

And this time we thought of creating some inspirational wallpapers exclusively for you as a token of our love.

And hey what’s better than celebrating the reason for our togetherness ,i.e. our Dear Jesus and to have His Word and affirmations on our mobile screens.

So here we go…

#Giveaway,#Free HD phone wallapapers,#Token of Love,#Soar

We are sure you are going to love them as much as we do.

And don’t forget to share these with your friends and family members, who are as crazy Jesus lovers as we are.


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Where is God when it hurts?

Where is God when it hurts?

– Acquired as a slave

– Forced to bear her master’s child

– Ill-treated during pregnancy

– Persecuted to run away

– & finally abandoned!

What the Egyptian girl Hagar went through is indeed disheartening. In the eyes of the world, she always was and will be the ‘extra’ woman in Abram and Sarai’s life.

Then one day Hagar conceived. Soon as if her suppressed contempt found boldness, she became vocal in despising her mistress Sarai. But the move backfired – Sarai took free permission from Abram whose child Hagar was bearing to ill-treat her more!

#GodSees, #Godisneartothebrokenhearted,#Hisnearness#whenithurts

“Your servant is in your hands. Do with her whatever you think is best,” is what Abram told Sarai.

Run away

And the pregnant Hagar had no option but to run away. Run away from her fears, run away from her past, run away to a place where no one could have ever found her.


Genesis 16:7 says that the angel of God found her!

For an Egyptian who grew up worshipping pagan Gods, here she was talking face to face with someone she only heard her master talk about. Who was this God? Did this God really could see her plight? And why would He bother about someone so ‘lowly’ like her?

And Hagar named this God as El Roi–the God who sees me. For she said, “I have now seen the One who sees me.”

God told Hagar to go back and submit to her mistress, and as she would do that she received a promise, that never ever any woman in the Scripture received– “I will so increase your descendants that they will be too numerous to count.”

And Hagar obeyed. Soon she bore forth a son and called him Ishmael, meaning “God listens”.

For He who has promised is faithful (Heb 10:23b)
Later on we see in Genesis 21, how God kept his promise to Hagar and Ishmael and till date He has been true to His word.

Where is God when it hurts?

Are you at a crossroad in your life, wondering whether there is a God. Or you are saying I know there is, but does He really care about me? Where is He when my life hurts?

The Bible says: The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. (Psalms 34:18).

The God who changed the destiny of an Egyptian slave girl, is interested to change yours too. He is your El Roi, the one who sees all your hurts. Instead of running away from your situation, would you choose to trust and submit to Him today, just as Hagar did?


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Addiction To Romantic Books & Movies? Here’s What You Need to Know

Addiction To Romantic Books & Movies? Here’s What You Need to Know

Recently we received the below prayer from a girl. We thought of sharing it as a blogpost for the benefit of other girls who may have similar struggle. Hope this helps!

My prayer is to conquer my addiction for reading romantic novels and watching romantic movies. Because I find myself spending more time and attention with it, I spend less in doing house chores, my devotional time with God, and I had forgotten doing my studies. – Beth Collins (name changed for privacy)

Sharing below our response to her situation.

May I say you are not the only one who is going through this struggle. We have all faced this but here is the good news! You are born to overcome! Also it’s the warriors of God that are tempted and not just ordinary people.

Addiction to Romantic Books

Reading your struggle, took me back to a few years ago when I too was struggling with this addiction. I could finish a non-Christian book in a couple of days, but found it an absolute struggle to read Christian books.

I soon realized that it is not only taking my time away from God, but also influencing my thoughts and decision making and obviously these books swayed my conversations. I tried everything under the sun but God.

I knew I had to get rid of this addiction, to understand why check out this blog post we recently shared Why I Gave Up On Non-Christian Media. I think this post will be convincing enough to make you stop watching.

What you give your ears and eyes to is what you will become. At times you will even behave or think the way a character in the book/movie behaves.

My Sweet Victory

I still clearly remember a few years ago one Sunday my Pastor was teaching about being set free from addictions. Until that day, I always bragged that I had everything under control and can get rid of any habit any time.

My Pastor’s words “Surrender your addiction to God” echoed inside my heart the entire service.

We always associate addiction in the negative or sin category, hence taking sin to God was a concept I was not sure God could help me with. God being holy, righteous and pure, could I really surrender my addiction to Him, and would He indeed love me in this addiction.

Is this what you are thinking as well?

Brace yourself, what I am going to share with you next is going to change you today.

Sista, God loves you… with or without addictions. He loves you without any condition and He is the only one you need to surrender your addictions to. He is the only one that can set you free. Sitting in the pew that Sunday, the love of God the father filled me… As I humbled myself and surrendered my addictions I knew chains were breaking and I was set free.

Dearest friend, as you read this I believe a God encounter awaits you. It’s time… humble yourself and surrender.

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation, he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it” (1 Corinthians 10:13)

As I look back, I realize what I was seeking in those books I found in Jesus. He fills me with so much love daily that there is no space and time for those books. I truly believe that as you humble and surrender to Jesus with an open heart, His love will be your daily portion to be set free from addiction.

Remember even Jesus was tempted by Satan. As He has overcome, you have the power and grace to overcome this.


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Bring Those Walls Down

Bring Those Walls Down

Usually in the afternoons, I never step out. I prefer to be in the comfort of my house enjoying the air conditioning. The other day, I had to be in the afternoon heat for a couple of hours. I was exhausted, sweaty and desperately wanted to be back home for a shower. I was not taking the discomfort really well.

This reminded me of Nehemiah in the Bible. He was a cup bearer to the King Artaxerxes before he chose to follow God’s leading. He left all the comforts of the palace and decided to go to Jerusalem, a desolate place to rebuild the walls.

To me, Nehemiah’s character reflects Jesus all the way. Jesus was at a place of importance enjoying the best of everything, seated at God’s right hand.

What did He give it up all for?

Bring those walls down

Jesus chose to come down to earth, leaving the comfort of Heaven so we have direct access to God the Father. He did not have to do it, but He willfully did it for His Father’s sake. Jesus left all the comforts for you and me.

Further Nehemiah rebuilt the walls around the city in 52 days. The temple was already built by Zerubbabel, but the city walls were still old, broken and feeble. Ever wondered why Nehemiah thought it was important to rebuild the walls?

Walls are built for protection and safety. Walls take me back to the tale of Jericho (Joshua 6:1-27). Until the walls of Jericho stood strong the people in the city felt safe. When the walls came down, the people were open to the attack of the enemy.

When Jesus entered my heart, He made me His Temple. However I still had some old walls of pride, self-centeredness, doubt and fear, which hindered my walk with the Lord. He started His good work in me by gradually changing me inside out (Philippians 1:6). He was patiently demolishing these strongholds in me. These were the walls of Jericho in me which had to come crashing down for the King of Glory to accomplish His work in me.

Nehemiah did not start rebuilding the walls of the Temple on the old feeble walls. He had to demolish the old walls to rebuild the new ones from scratch. That was the only way to build a strong wall for protection and safety from the enemy.

The Holy Spirit revealed himself as my Nehemiah, bringing down the old walls and building new walls of faith, peace and unwavering trust in God.

With these new walls around my heart, I experience a peace that passes all understanding. I now know, no dart of the enemy can work against me.

Precious friends, even as you read this, let me ask you, are there any old broken walls of past, offence, pain or unforgiveness that you are holding on to? It’s a good season to let go and allow God to build new walls of faith, love and hope in your heart.


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Coloring Pages For You – FREE Printables!

Coloring Pages For You – FREE Printables!

Hey Girls! Can you believe we are already midway through 2021? Phew! Amidst the To-Do Lists, Targets, Goals and clutter of life, we all need some whitespace. Isn’t it?

So we thought of doing something differrent this week. We created little whitespace for you, so you can fill in some beautiful colours. What better way than to combine your creative time with positive affirmations from the Word of God!

Coloring pages

Check out these below Colouring Pages. These are good reminders designed to help you soar high in life. All you need to do is to click on the image to download a PDF, print and start colouring.

Once you color the pages, don’t forget to post it on your Instagram and tag us ( @soar.girls ).

We would love to see your creativity.
Happy Coloring!


Team Soargirls

Coloring pages,Funtime with Jesus,Free Printables
Coloring pages,Funtime with Jesus,Free Printables
Coloring pages,Funtime with Jesus,Free Printables

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