Celebrating WOMANS Day – Who is a Real Woman!!
Today people are scared to even define a woman. The world fears honouring what God originally designed because of fear of what a few groups of people will say.
But the Bible declares in Proverbs 31:30, “Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised”
So who is a woman who fears God?
The Bible gives us a peek into the lives of certain women (midwives-Shifra and Puah) who went against the decree of the king for the fear of God. And the Bible says, the Lord blessed them and settled them with households. Wow!!!
Here’s the key: Any young woman who wants to be settled by the Lord Himself, the starting point would be to have the fear of God even to the extent of disobeying the king.
You must be wondering who is the king in this story ?
Well let me tell you, the king is not your husband or brother or father or mother. But there is a king in all our hearts that rebels the voice of the Lord.
He is a SELF-PROCLAIMED king and uses his WILL to do what he pleases. It is that king that God wants us to go against, to surrender our will and obey His voice.
To all Married Women,
Your marriage will be stronger if you are married to the Lord first and then your husband. For it is the Lord who will give you the strength, wisdom and direction to make a beautiful home and marriage.
To all the Unmarried Women (planning to get married),
You can chose to build your own household or have the Lord himself plant and build your home. Every day surrender to the lover of your soul and do not make peace with the prince of this world. But use your ‘Will’ to lead your heart to the feet of Jesus.
Isn’t it amazing that not one of the 12 disciples of Jesus were given the position nor the platform to be proclaimed along with the Gospel except for the woman who broke the alabaster jar at the feet of Jesus. Jesus said wherever my story will be told she will be part of my story. He allowed His priceless gospel to be shared with a woman who served him with all her substance.
Now that’s what a sinful woman could do to touch the heart of Jesus.
Listen Soar Girls, the Bible says that Solomon was led to other gods by women whom he loved. It can be assumed that woman have a critical characteristic and influence on society that can lead people to God or take them away.
Choose to be that woman who will lead a generation to Jesus by the choices and decisions you make in this life according to the word of God.
Remember, it’s not just the words we speak but the unspoken words that can make our environment weak, crippled and hopeless.
Be a woman of honour “on this woman day’ and speak up for something that’s on Gods heart.
You are blessed and cherished!
The world may call you the weaker sex, but a woman who fears God should be praised for there are such that won wars and got back to life they’re dead.
May the lord Jesus bless you this day and May you be counted as a woman who feared God to disobey the king.
Pastor Derrick D’Souza
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