Have you self-disclosed yet?
Recently I received an email from my company with the subject line “Have you self-disclosed yet?”. The email encouraged employees to self-disclose their invisible disabilities, so that the company could find them a right fitting job profile.
I am sure at this point you are asking what is invisible disabilities? The email stated that sickness like Hypertension, Heart disease, Diabetes, Anxiety, Phobia, etc are recognised as invisible disabilities.
As I was reading through the long list of invisible disabilities mentioned in the email, immediately the Holy Spirit spoke to me, “be aware, do not declare anything over you”
The Company wanted it’s employees to not only disclose their sickness but identify them by the possible sickness they were going through to provide them with benefits. This is how the enemy works, he will lure you with the things of the world, in exchange of your identity.
Just for a little perk, if we declare sickness as our identity, that sickness will be stuck on us forever.
Jesus took our infirmities and bore our sickness (Mathew 8:17) and Jesus said that He came so that we may have an abundant life (John 10:10); then why try to hang on to that sickness.
Self disclosure is the 1st step to where you can be, and what you truly are.
There is power in what you disclose about your-self. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit (Proverbs 18:21). When we pray and declare God’s word over our lives, we are proclaiming God’s truth.
So what is your self-disclosure?
If you have not self-disclosed yet, don’t waste any more time. Pick-up verses in the Bible that spoke to you and make your personalised declaration.
Here are 10 powerful declarations to give you a head start: https://soargirls.com/powerful-words/
Sheryl Gadre
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