2 Ways to Jumpstart your Walk with God

2 Ways to Jumpstart your Walk with God

Recently we were driving back home when our car battery dropped dead leaving us stranded in the middle of a highway. This happened suddenly and we weren’t prepared for it. But praise God, we got help… And we were successfully able to jump-start our car with the help of another car’s battery. Well, that’s how many Christians are in their Walk with God right now and need a desperate jump start just like our car did.

You see, many don’t even realize they are running on low steam until they hit a dead-end in their lives. If you see no joy in your Christian walk and lukewarmness has set in, here are 2 ways to jump-start your walk with God.

2 Ways to Jumpstart your Walk with God

1 Way to Jumpstart Your Walk With God: Hang Out With People Who Are on Fire for God

When you stay away from fellowship and you go on with your life, lukewarm life starts to slip in.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to hang out with people who are on fire for God and who are running with a vision.

Take for example Saul. He was not a prophet but as soon as he came in contact with other prophets he started to prophesy. In 1 Samuel 10:10-11 the Word of God says, When they came there to the hill, there was a group of prophets to meet him; then the Spirit of God came upon him, and he prophesied among them. And it happened, when all who knew him formerly saw that he indeed prophesied among the prophets, that the people said to one another, “What is this that has come upon the son of Kish? Is Saul also among the prophets?”

Two takeaways I got from this scripture. First , Prophets hangout with other prophets. Be around a group that has same vision as you or loves Jesus so much. The second is the anointing of God carried by the people you meet or hangout with will rub off on you. If you have one friend who loves the Lord and the rest who don’t , you will most likely be like those those who don’t love the Lord. Heard a quote that says “You are an average of 5 people you spend your life with.”

2 Way to Jumpstart Your Walk With God: Hear the Word of God

There is so much power in the Word of God you hear. There are times when you don’t feel anything with the Word preached. But over time the more you hear you will understand that it is the Word of God has the power to change our hearts and transform our lives.

The Bible says, For the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb 4:12

It is only the Word of God can reach our soul and our spirit and has the power to change our hearts!

But the Word of God comes to none effect when we get distracted. The devil is interested in stealing the Word of God that you hear. I loved what my soar sister shared earlier last month on the topic The parable of the Sower – Are you the good ground?
Do give it a read.



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Father, Why Do You Keep Looking at Me?

Father, Why Do You Keep Looking at Me?

Recently my niece visited me and had many stories to share about her school and day-to-day routine. She told me that her father keeps looking at her always. He keeps observing her while she is playing, studying, etc and her and her little mind kept thinking, “Father, why do you keep looking at me?”.

I had to then explain to her that it’s for her good, and the reason he does that is because he loves her and wants to protect her always.

This conversation with my niece, made me think.


If an earthly father watches and guards over his daughter so much, how much more would my Heavenly Father keep His eyes on me.

Father, Why Do You Keep Looking at Me?

In fact, He is called El Roi – the God who sees me.

Thereafter, Hagar used another name to refer to the LORD, who had spoken to her. She said, “You are the God who sees me.” She also said, “Have I truly seen the One who sees me?”
(Genesis 16:13)

He surely enjoys seeing me wake up in the morning, go about doing my daily chores, pick up my Bible and spend time with Him, etc. This conversation with my niece opened up the Father’s heart to me. A true and caring father will always keep an eye on his daughter to see if she needs his help in anything.

A Father’s gaze is a daughter’s protection

This reminded me of Mordecai who took care of Esther when she lost her biological parents. The Bible says in Esther 2:11“And Mordecai walked every day before the court of the women’s house, to know how Esther did, and what should become of her”. (KJV).

Mordecai here shows us the heart of God. The father in Mordecai wanted to know how is Esther (his daughter) doing in the king’s palace. He was very much a part of Esther’s journey from a common next-door girl to being the Queen of Susa.

Does anyone care?

Even as you are reading this, maybe you are studying far away from your home. Or maybe your job has brought you to a foreign land. Perhaps you are all alone somewhere with thoughts running in your mind like: “Is anyone watching over me”? “Does anyone care?”

The answer is yes!

Your Heavenly Father watches over you every moment. Psalm 121:7-8 says, “The Lord will keep you from all harm he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore

What comfort we have in knowing that He watches over us! His eyes are always on me. With Him on my side, I can never be alone.

Shiney Varghese

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5 Tips to Break-Free From Screen Addiction

5 Tips to Break-Free From Screen Addiction

Struggling with screen addiction? Netflix, games, social media seem to have taken a toll on your productive time? Wondering how to break-free from the cycle of mindless scrolling?

Smartphones and screen time are changing the way we think, but even more concerning, they are hijacking our heart. Remember, the phone was made for you and not vice versa. Here are 5 simple tips to break free from screen addiction:

5 Tips to Break-Free From Screen Addiction

1.Track your Screen Time

A good way to fight your screen time consumption is to start by tracking the total time you spend with your gadgets every day. Once you get your consumption breakup (Apple or android – all have this feature), be intentional in reducing the time spent on apps that steal most of your time. It’s a good habit to uninstall these apps for extended periods, especially if they are networking or binge watching apps. You can even hide these apps from your home screen so it remains out-of-sight and out-of-mind. Another trick is to mute your screen’s colors which will make pics, video, apps, less tempting to click.

If for some reason you cannot uninstall this app, then try and moderate or lower its consumption or keep a fixed time to check it. Oh yes, you don’t have to check your emails first thing in the morning unless you hold the portfolio of the president of your country .

2. Get an Accountability Partner

The Bible says, Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. (Ecc 4: 9,10).

It’s good to team up with an accountability partner who could be your spiritual mentor, leader or a mature friend of the same sex. This friend should be someone who can push you to accomplish your set task and not pacify your effort to overcome screen addiction. You can share your screen time status, your struggles, and victory stories with each other and encourage one another from the Word of God.

If you don’t have anyone, you could also connect to a Jesus loving community like SOAR GIRLS that can help build you, even as you humble yourself and open up about your struggles.

5 Tips to Break-Free From Screen Addiction

3. Allocate “God and You” time

Be disciplined about allocating a fixed time for spending with the Word of God and in prayer, especially first thing in the morning. This is one habit that will help you break free from all your addictions.

When Jesus walked on the earth, he would often withdraw to lonely places to pray (Luke 5:16).

Build a Secret place this season. A secret place is “Your time alone” with God. The devil is happy as long as you are “alone with your gadgets” so he can fill your mind with the filth of the world and bring thoughts to you that tell you that you are not good enough, capable enough and loved enough. But he is mortally scared when you are “alone with God”. Because that’s when you start becoming like Jesus and reflecting Him through your life.

Also lay hold of a physical Bible instead of depending on digital Bibles which are so distractive, and start dwelling on its passages. Remember the Bible is not just a book, but it is God’s Word and is meant to be read slowly, deeply, thoughtfully, repeatedly.

4. Give Digital Detox a Try

Digital Detox refers to a period of time where you refrain from using digital devices such as smart phones, tabs, computer screens and social media sites. Its time you give those fidgety fingers some rest! It can help you to take your gaze away from temporary pleasures and help you realign your life around what really matters.

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18)

You can even create gadget free zones by limiting their usage in certain areas in your house. Avoid taking your gadgets with you on dining table, bathrooms or on your bed. Intentionally keep these areas gadget-free and full of good and godly conversations.

The word you need to constantly remind yourself is “RESIST”. Every time you get tempted to break your momentum, pick up the Word of God. Lay hold of your physical Bible and start reading it aloud. Make it personal by underlining and circling scriptures that are touching your heart.

5. Pick an Outdoor Hobby or Activity

Find out a hobby or activity that you can indulge in without using screens. How about trying your hands at gardening, painting, calligraphy, sketching, poetry, cooking etc? The list is endless.

Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in what skill or activity you can pick up. It’s amazing how God can open up your understanding through these experiences and make you more sensitive to His voice.

Did this post help you? Which of the above tips you are keen to try out in your effort to reduce your screen time and break free from screen addiction? Anything else you can add that worked for you?

Author Kim & Shiney

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Stop Limiting Yourself! (Podcast)

Stop Limiting Yourself! (Podcast)

Struggling with who you are? Introvert, extrovert, good at that, bad at this! This label that you may be giving yourself is nothing compared to the real label that you have. You are a Daughter of God. So, stop limiting yourself!

You got to listen to our latest Soar Girls podcast episode!! In this podcast, we are talking to Emma Jane Catchpole, all the way from Australia. Emma is a poetess, artist and is passionate about sharing the light of God and message of His love all over the world.


In Part 1 of this episode, Emma encourages us to deep dive into our real identity of who we are and how we shouldnt shut down parts of us by trying to fit into the mold of who we think we should be.

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Women’s Day Contest! 🎉

Women’s Day Contest! 🎉

Drumroll please!

To celebrate International Women’s Day , we are so excited to announce a Women’s Day Contest and you get a chance to win upto 34 USD amazon vouchers! (2500 INR).

Announcing our very own COLORING SHEET CONTEST and the one who colors well will get a chance to win!

There’s going to be two winners: First prize and Second prize!
The First prize winner will get 1500 INR and the second prize winner will get 1000 INR worth Amazon vouchers. If you are in a different country , don’t worry this is applicable for you too!

To Enter This Contest

  • Download and print the sheet (choose anyone) we have provided below
  • Start Coloring!! Yey, as simple as that. You can use any type of colours you want
  • Take a picture of it or better still, take a picture of you with your coloured sheet and upload on your Instagram story and tag us @soar.girls
  • Tag three of your friends
  • Make sure to follow @soar.girls
  • DM us your name and email id on our IG profile.
  • The Last day to enter this contest is on 8th March 2022, 11:59 pm IST.
  • The results will be declared on 10th March 2022! So keep watching this space.
  • The winners will be decided by our Soar Girls Jury and their decision will be final.

So hurry, join this Women’s Day Contest and don’t forget to share with your friends so they may participate too!

Womens's Day Contest

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Feeling Guilty All The Time?

Feeling Guilty All The Time?

Are you someone who is feeling guilty all the time? Or have you ever felt guilty about something you have done and over time you realized you distanced yourself from God?

Well, you are not the only one. We all feel guilt. But do you know that carrying that guilt is not God’s intention for you nor does He look at you that way!

He made me right

Sharing a vision that someone saw recently:

I saw a man standing with his back towards a beach and to his left, a little distance away stood the devil.

Feeling Guilty All The Time

All the devil did was to point his finger at the man and say “Guilty”. But then the shadow of Jesus came upon this man from behind, and then from the front came the hand of God pointing at the man, saying “Right”.

Every time the devil said guilty, God kept saying Right. Soon huge waves of mercy came gushing over the man.

Once the waves settled down, I saw the devil no more.

Guilt by the Accuser

Remember the devil is an accuser from the beginning. The Word of God in Revelation 12:10 says, Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night.

Day and night the devil accuses you before God but that doesn’t convince God when He sees you. When Lord Jesus died on the cross, He even saw the possible worst you could do, but He knew through Him and His payment on the cross was worth getting you out of that guilt.

Guilt Response

When Adam sinned against God, he hid himself.

That’s what guilt does!

It makes us hide ourselves in the passions of the world, the distractions of TV, mobile, shows, etc that we lose our connection with the Lord. We think God is done with us, but that’s so far from the truth.

Those thoughts about you being no good, a sinner, the worst, are really not from God. These thoughts bring death to your soul. Then why entertain them anymore?

Truth against Guilt

There is nothing more powerful than standing on the Word and meditating on what the word of God says. Below are two verses for you to remember and meditate on every day.

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus took your sins upon Himself so He could give you His righteousness that is His right standing with God.

“For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more” (Hebrews 8:12).
In His great mercy, God makes no remembrance of your past.

So, from now on, you need to stop feeling guilty all the time and instead –

Make this your Confession: –

I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. My sins are washed away by my merciful God the Father.


Alisha Jose

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