3 Truths To Cling To On The Worst Day Of Your Life

3 Truths To Cling To On The Worst Day Of Your Life

Truths to cling to on the worst day of your life

Seems like you had the worst day of your life? Mirror on the wall saying it’s all your fault? Feeling condemned? Guilt taking the better of you?

Well, here are three truths you should cling to:

1. God is not shocked by your sin

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Rom 5:8)

God is still on the throne and when He died on the cross He saw everything you would ever do, yes even the most terrible sin you could ever imagine, He had seen it all but He still chose to die for you because you are His beloved one.
Even if you are the one who strayed

He would still leave the rest to come find you (Luke 15:3–7). He died for your past present and future sins.

2. Faithful to Forgive

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9)

There’s so much power in coming to Jesus your High Priest and confessing your sins and asking for His grace to overcome. When you confess, also believe that God has heard you and forgiven you.

Remember He keeps no record of your wrongs, in Jeremiah 31:34, God says, I … will remember [your] sins no more.”

3. His mercy is New every morning!

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness (Lam 3:22-23)

Oh, never forget the above verse for life. No matter how many times you fall, remember God’s mercies never come to an end. Many of us know this scripture in our head but really never believe it. Hope you are not among them.

Before I close, remember your identity in Christ will never change, your position in God will never change.

You are loved beyond your flaws and mistakes.

You are called to overcome the devil by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of His testimony (Rev 12:11)

So rise up warrior! Pick up your armour of righteousness and wear it because God has purchased it for you on the cross. You are washed by the Blood and you are brand new in Christ.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Cor 5:17

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Dare to be Different

Dare to be Different

Dare to be different,Walk in light,Read the Word,Friends of the world.

It was a Wednesday afternoon when I received the Office Party invite.

“Thank you for all the efforts you put in, allow us to celebrate you. Let your hair down and hit the dance floor.

You are invited to a ROCKING PARTY on Friday night… Food and drinks on the house!!!”

Everyone in the team was looking forward to having some “Cool Time” off work at the Disco Lounge. As I expressed my discomfort about the venue my colleague advised I had to learn to be like others, be accepted in the management circle and these occasions could give me a chance to get in their good books. I denying to go to the party could be perceived as haughtiness by the management.

The Spirit within me kept nudging me not to, but I didn’t have a choice. My colleague was right! It was a new team I was leading and we had achieved all targets. I couldn’t possibly miss the celebration, they wanted to facilitate “ME!!” Of course God would understand, it was important for my growth in the company.

But Daniel resolved not to…

That day, during my Bible reading time was led to read the Book of Daniel:

Dan 1:8 But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine.

Daniel RESOLVED not to DEFILE himself. But, with what was he going to be defiled? Sorry, did I read it right?

It wasn’t the undignified, dishonourable, common things that Daniel decided not to defile himself with… He decided not to defile himself with the ROYAL FOOD AND KING’S WINE!

Was imagining myself at the Buckingham palace, at the Queen’s table. Who in their wildest thoughts would think the food offered in a royal silver plate is spoilt, polluted, unclean or contaminated? I would rather brag about the fact that “I ate from the Queen’s table!”

What on earth was Daniel thinking? Such a thought to even cross one’s mind, in the world would be termed as “arrogant narcissist”…

But that’s exactly what made Daniel different, for he had eyes to see beyond the flesh, ears to hear the supernatural and the wisdom to honour the true throne.

Let your light shine

Many a times we place the kings of this world above God, His Word, and His Spirit.

Ex: Maintain the company of a friend even while the Spirit is nudging not to, be engaged in the wrong conversations with the opposite sex, or even go to the party only to please the boss even while it is a disco lounge.

I was convicted and I decided otherwise about the party. I chose to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and not grieve Him. And you know what! No one took offence to my decision, in fact I found favour and respect in the eyes of my bosses for having a mind of my own and not being a fake people pleaser.

We need to let our light shine before others. God has chosen you and I out of the world to show His glory in us. We are to remind ourselves that we are in this world, but not of this world. We can’t afford to live like unbelievers, but walk like Jesus our Lord and Saviour. Our holiness comes from Christ.

For in him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28)

Set God above all others.

Ruta Miller
Team Soar Girls

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Why I Gave Up on Non-Christian Media

Why I Gave Up on Non-Christian Media

stay away from non christian media,guard your eyes,guard your ears

If you had met me any time before two years, and we were to have a conversation, sooner or later, you would realise that I was really into movies. I was the kind of person who bragged about my movie collection- horror, sci-fi, Korean dramas, medical series, RomCom, I had it all! Hours of my time was spent on watching and re-watching these.

Here’s my story of how I overcame this love of my flesh.

When I was in my third year of college, a friend invited me to attend church with her. This church was unlike my traditional orthodox church. The presence of God was so evident. I didn’t comprehend it fully that time, but I knew something moved in me and I wanted to know God more.

When God convicts, Listen!

One of the first convictions I had after this encounter with the Lord was regarding my love for non-Christian media, be it movies, series or songs. I knew the Lord was speaking, but my flesh and my soul argued- but it takes my mind off everything else, it makes me feel good, everyone watches it Lord! But the Lord remained silent to my tantrums.

Few months later, I was taking a stroll one evening with a friend from the same church. As she shared with me, her encounters with the Lord, my heart was burning. I asked her what she thought about non-Christian media. She just said this, “If the Lord is convicting you, you must listen to Him”.

That conviction sank deep in my spirit, and now it began a good work in me. As I kept seeking God, He opened my eyes to things I couldn’t perceive before.

Here are two main reasons I feel why non-Christian media is toxic:

1. Manipulated perspective

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he”. Proverbs 23:7

The eyes and ears are windows to your soul. What you constantly watch and hear alters the way you think. Worldly movies make Christianity look boring and wickedness look fun and exciting. They excite your senses and manipulate your emotions.

I was addicted to one of the popular comedy series years back. One day, when I was with some friends, they played an episode of this series. One of the actors cracked a joke that was directly against my Christian faith. Initially I laughed but then soon I realized what I was doing. I decided in my heart never again to watch it again. This was my first big breakthrough!

I have heard countless stories of how this media is addictive and can cause irrational fears and anxieties to develop within you. These have an innocent, glamorous appearance on the outside, but at the core of it is darkness.

“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matthew 6:22-23

2. Irretrievable Time

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

The enemy knows that your time is precious, and he will do everything to steal it. A study shows that the average person spends more than 78,000 hours of their life watching television. Don’t allow the temporary pleasures of this world to steal your time, which once lost, cannot be retrieved.

“Show me, O LORD, my end and the measure of my days. Let me know how fleeting my life is. You, indeed, have made my days as handbreadths, and my lifetime as nothing before You. Truly each man at his best exists as but a breath.” Psalm 39:4-5

Over the years that followed, the closer I got to Jesus, the entertainment of this world got dimmer and dimmer until I no longer desired it.

I believe you are not reading this by chance. If there is any bit of conviction in your heart regarding this area of your life, I would say, Ask God to reveal to you, what you cannot see. Only He can fill the vacuum of your heart and give you a life of abundance!

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What My Burnt Hand Taught Me 🔥👋🤕

What My Burnt Hand Taught Me 🔥👋🤕

Read the Word,Obedience,Obey,Character building

Recently as I was cooking, I happened to uncover the lid from the cooking pot in a hurry and whooosh..the steam came out in the direction of my hand and burnt it. I screamed with pain while my mom looked at me and laughed. Initially I was confused at her response, but then I realised a month back, my mom had given me instructions on how to uncover the lid from a pot that is filled with steam using a spoon. (For those who don’t know  – First I had to slide the lid to the side with the spoon , let the steam come out from the other end and then hold the lid with the cloth on the other end and ta-da!) I didn’t remember this instruction before doing it but when I got hurt I remembered it very well.

God’s instructions are our protection

And that’s our story!

Most of us don’t heed to God’s instructions and open ourselves for hurt , pain and discipline. It’s the hard knocks that brings us to realisation.

But better is to obey an instruction than face a destruction.

Whoever despises the word and counsel [of God] brings destruction upon himself, But he who [reverently] fears and respects the commandment [of God] will be rewarded. Proverbs 13:13 AMP


Instructions? Where do I find them?

If you are like me and you want to avoid the hard knocks you need to hear instructions!


Here are four tips to not miss instructions:-

1. Read the Bible every day. God speaks in your situation and will instruct you before you face the situation.

2. Meditate on what you read, understand what God wants to say to you and then apply the Word of God in real life.

3. Listen to the Word of God when shared by a man of God. Now that globally most of the church services are happening online, it’s so easy to get distracted in the comfort of our homes. So be super intentional when you are joining a service. Go to your study room and not your bed :p Take a book and pen and note things down or comment on the video what you have learnt.

4. Be accountable to your leaders. Your leaders have walked more than you and seen more, ask them for advice and wisdom. Write to them or call them. Don’t take your leaders for granted, they are kept there for a purpose. The more you ask, the more wisdom you draw from them.


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Your God is a Shame-Breaker!

Your God is a Shame-Breaker!

Shame Breaker
Struggling with shame? Something you did or some incident involving you that brings lot of shame and condemnation to your mind? Months and years have passed yet you can’t seem to get over it? Here are 5 truths from God’s Word, that we pray, will set you free.

1.  His love> Your mistake

There is no wrong you can ever do that can outmatch the love and grace that Jesus offers to cover it. Nothing can separate you from His love! (Rom 8:39)

2.  There is hope

God never condemns, He only convicts. For God did not send his Son into the world to
condemn the world (John 3:17). Condemnation brings disgrace, conviction brings hope.

3.  Forgive yourself 

Forgive yourself. Your mistakes don’t define you. If God can forgive you, there is no reason for you to withhold that forgiveness from yourself. (1 John 1:9). Also forgive the person that may have caused you the shame.

4.  There is no evidence

When you completely surrender your life to Jesus, He offers you a clean slate. His blood justifies and sanctifies you. Sanctified means you are fully washed His blood. There is no evidence left! You are now hidden in Him


5.  Let go of your past

Your past is forgiven. Let go! and let go of the people who remind you of your past. Know that God is greater than your past, no matter how bad or unrepairable it looks.

Your God is a shame breaker!

Only 4 women are mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus and all 4 had a shameful past. Rahab – a sex worker, Tamar – an ‘immoral’ woman, Bathsheba – an adulteress, Ruth- A Moabite. But God used these broken vessels and turned their destinies around. When you surrender your life to Him, He can use your brokenness and make it glorious. You serve a God who is a shame breaker!

But the Lord God helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced; therefore I have set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame. (Isaiah 50:7)

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Shh…God has a surprise!

Shh…God has a surprise!

Identity in Christ

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord . “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

I am certain that many may have quoted this scripture from Jeremiah 29:11 to you or maybe you know it by heart.

I myself have stood on this scripture in many circumstances. Until recently, when I was seeking the will of God in a situation, but did not get an answer in a simple “Yes / No” .

The wonderful Holy Spirit then whispered to me, “If you buy a surprise gift for a certain person, would you reveal the content of the gift beforehand?”

From then on I wake up every morning rejoicing and knowing that I may not be able to see my future, but it is definitely not uncertain. I may not know the chronology of events that may follow in my life. But my future is filled with possibilities and hope!

His thoughts are higher!

Dear girl friend, this note is especially for you – Until God your father is on the throne your future is not uncertain. The Bible says in Psalms 97:1

The LORD reigns, let the earth rejoice; let the many coastlands be glad!

Another translation says: The LORD is King! Tell the earth to celebrate and all islands to shout. (CEV)

Put your trust in God, His choice and His thoughts are always a better option to choose.

I love the story of Ruth from the Bible, She chose to follow God even though her mother-in-law could not promise her a secure future. That one decision changed her destiny and she was included in the bloodline of King David.

Let me close by reminding you again, God has a plan and a purpose for your life and even as I am writing this, I am praying for you that as you seek God and meditate on His word, He will reveal it to you!

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