Struggling with Menstrual Pain & Disorders? Break Free Now!

I remember visiting my native place when I was in my pre-teen years. During this time, my mother and I went to visit a house nearby and as we were about to leave, I heard someone screaming in pain. This was not an ‘ordinary scream’ but almost as if someone was in intense labour pain. I ran in the direction of this cry, only to see a young girl slouching on a cot and weeping and screaming in pain. Later on, I came to know that she was suffering from menstruation cramps.
I didn’t know much about menstruation at that time, but it definitely seemed to be a traumatic experience that I or any other girl could do without.
Praise God, I never had to battle with any menstruation issues, but the reason I am led to share about this topic on our blog is because I sense it will set many of you, who are struggling, free!
Young women don’t talk openly about it, but statistics reveal that up to 80% of women report having some form of menstruation disorders including painful cramps, excessive bleeding, prolonged periods etc.
If you are one of them, I believe God wants to heal you right now!
…. And here’s the key
Your healing is hidden in the confession of your mouth
The Bible says in Job 22:28, You will also declare a thing, and it will be established for you.
First things first – While there may be things that you may not like about your period, not everything about it is negative. In fact, every cell and activity in our body is a testimony of God’s perfect work. As the Psalmist proclaims: For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (Psalms 139:13-14)
Menstrual cycle is a beautiful way designed by God for the hormones in a woman’s body to remain balanced. Regular periods also provide vital information about the reproductive system, metabolic system, thyroid glands and bone health in one’s body. Medical experts say that when menstruation stops for longer than 90 days in the absence of pregnancy or breastfeeding, a medical evaluation should be taken as a number of health problems can occur.
That makes me value my periods, rather than grumble about it. And what I value and appreciate- I don’t feel sad about it, nor do I feel fearful or condemned.
Much of thinking with respect to menstruation is shaped by the media or the stories of women around us. And as you think in your heart, so shall it will be for you (Proverbs 23:7). We need to renew our mind with the Word of God and not think, say and act as the world does.
As opposed to fear, pain, discomfort, inconvenience and ‘cleaning up’ mentality, I encourage you to value and bless your body during the menstrual cycle. Stop complaining or allowing your emotions to rule over you, rather fill your mouth with thanksgiving and praise.
Instead of saying, “I am in my down days” or ” I am bound to feel depressed or emotional during my period”, declare loudly : Body, I bless you. Thank you, for you are working as God has meant you to. I am in my best days. I am happy and blessed!
Say it out loud; say it like you mean it – with all your heart. And even as you do that by faith, you will see it happen in the natural. Your miracle is in your mouth!
Even as I conclude, I want to pray with you..
In the name of Jesus, I command every menstrual disorder to leave your body right now. Pain – You are illegal in this body, which is purchased by the blood of Jesus. I command all the body parts to align and function in order as God intended to be. I cancel every negative word and self-imposed curse declared over your body related to menstruation in the name of Jesus. I thank you Jesus for this healing. In your precious name I pray. Amen.
Pastor Kim D’Souza
The above post first appeared on pursuehim.net/blog
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