Is God Really Good?

Is God Really Good?

Do You Really Believe in God’s Goodness?

Most Christians find it easy to believe that God is great. But, only a fraction of them believe that God is good, and that He is good to them!

This is the reason why the Body of Christ is suffering. Because, though we say with our mouths that “God is good”, but at the heart level, we really don’t believe it.

Child of God, the goodness of God has to be a firm foundation in your life. You need to be convinced in your heart and mind that God is good because its only on the goodness of God that faith can hinge on

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God’s goodness is an established truth

If you ever arrive late for work, you cannot give the excuse that the gravitational forces did not work and hence you got late! Chances are that you will be fired for such an excuse.

Similarly, God’s goodness does not fail. No matter what happens in your life, God is good, and that doesn’t change. Rather than questioning God’s goodness, you should examine your life and find out what is going wrong.

Self- Test: How do you know if you really believe in God’s goodness?

Recently, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “If you hear people talking about their traumas and bad memories from their past repeatedly, they don’t really believe in My goodness.”

When you are convinced of the goodness of God, you will not be filled with memories of sad moments in your life because you will look forward for your future knowing God’s plans are for your good (Jeremiah 29:11) .

Psalm 145:6-7 says, “Men shall speak of the might of Your awesome acts, And I will declare Your greatness. They shall utter the memory of Your great goodness, And shall sing of Your righteousness.”

Yes, unfair things may have happened to you in the past, but you need to move on. Rather than meditating on all that went wrong, you need to meditate on how God has been good to you.

The people who are convinced of His goodness, when they have a memory to talk about, are not talking about how everything didn’t go right, but their memory utters of His great goodness.

How can we be established in His goodness?

One practical way to be established in the goodness of God is to find every scripture that talks about the goodness of God and start meditating on it.

God is good; it’s His nature and character. The more you meditate on and declare God’s goodness, the more it will become an established truth in your life.

The goodness of God is unchangeable and unshakeable

Have you seen how water drips out when a wet cloth is squeezed? When situations come to squeeze you, praise must drip out of you because you believe that God is still good.

“And he said, “Please, show me Your glory.” And the LORD said, “I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the LORD, in your presence.” Exodus 33:18-19

We see in the above verses how when Moses asked God to show him His glory, God said He would cause His goodness to pass before Moses, not His might or power, but His goodness.

This season, can we make the decision not to dwell in the past any longer? Let us move forward with our gaze fixed on the goodness of God.

Author Kim D’souza


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10 Images for you to NOT Give Up on Life (FREE RESOURCE)

10 Images for you to NOT Give Up on Life (FREE RESOURCE)

Are you Broken? Sad? Depressed? Tired of living, so much so that you want to give up?

Ahh, don’t believe the lies in your head because the reality is that you are much loved – more than you than ever think of!

We made this pic-resource especially for you. A picture speaks a thousand words. Indeed, when its painted by God.

Do not give up on life

Here are 10 images that will change your mind about giving up on life..

Come on, rise up and soar!

Team Soar Girls
(Image courtesy: Canva Images)

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Never Lose This!

Never Lose This!

No matter what you go through in life, there is one thing you can never afford to lose.

And that’s your song!

Psalm 149: 1
Praise the Lord! Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of the godly!

Psalm 149: 6-8
Let the high praises of God be in their throats and two-edged swords in their hands,to execute vengeance on the nations
and punishments on the peoples,to bind their kings with chains
and their nobles with fetters of iron.

Never Lose This!


Praise is the highest form of faith.

Your song of praise has the power to bind your enemy with chains. When you choose to celebrate God despite and inspite of what is happening around you, remember there are two parties who are an audience to it. One is the devil – who moves further and further into frustration, knowing that he is fighting a loosing battle.

And, the other is God whose chest swells with pride as He sees a “son” who has positioned himself to receive a promotion in the unseen and seen world.

Recently in my time of worship God put these words in my heart.

In the midst of the raging seas,
I hear you whisper a song to me
A song of victory

My child though your eyes cannot yet see,
And all I need you to do
Is to sing it along with me

Listen, friend, never lose your song! Your victory is nearer than you can imagine.

Author Kim D’Souza

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5 Lies You Believed About Your Friends! (FREE EBOOK)

5 Lies You Believed About Your Friends! (FREE EBOOK)

A friend is someone with whom you share a strong bond and deep trust with. In this journey of life, God gives us the freedom to choose our friends. Now that’s such an important choice, because they are the ones we give access into our lives.

Well, as much as God-sent friends can fast forward you into your destiny, the devil can plant wrong friends to subtly gain entry into your life and wreck your destiny!

Peer pressure can make us do things contrary to our conscience, bring guilt and condemnation and ultimately take us away from the beautiful plans of God. That’s why I wrote this short Ebook – “5 Lies You Believed About Your Friends” – for you.

5 Lies You Believed About Your Friends!


In the book, I present to you 5 lies about friends/friendships that you may have believed, and together we will also uncover the truth from the Word of God.

Also, don’t forget to take the Red Alert Friendship Quiz [HERE]

Don’t wake up when its too late!!!

Author Kim D’Souza

5 Lies You Believed About Your Friends!

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Be Bold and Say NO

Be Bold and Say NO

Be bold and say NO.

Say No to what? Well…

  • Say NO to condemnation, for God has made you righteous, who is to condemn you.
    (Rom 8:1)
  • Say NO to fear, for God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind.
    (2 Tim 1:7)
  • Say NO to unhealthy relationships, for you are called to embrace godly friendships.
    (2 Cor 6:14)
Be Bold and Say NO
  • Say no to the lies of the enemy, for God’s Truth found in His Word dictates and determines your life.
    (2 Cor 5:17)
  • Say no to peer pressure, instead stand firm in Godly values.
    (Col 3:23)
  • Say no to comparison, instead see yourself the way God sees you.
    (Eph 2:10)
  • Say no to self-pity, instead rise up and be the warrior you are in Christ.
    (Rom 12:2)
  • Say no to gossip, instead value godly conversations.
    (Eph 4:29)
  • Say no to wrong habits, instead hold on to your freedom in Christ.
    (Rom 6:6)
  • Lastly, Be Bold and Say no to backsliding and lukewarmness, instead press on to finish the purpose for which Christ has called you.
    (1 Cor 9:24)

Ria Jobin

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Have a Bad Past and Can’t Get Over?

Have a Bad Past and Can’t Get Over?

Coming straight to the point – Well, everybody has a past! Do you have a bad past and can’t seem to get over it?

God Is Greater Than Your Past

Firstly, let me tell you that God is greater than your past, no matter how bad or unrepairable it looks. Yes, mistakes do come with their consequences but they don’t have to define you.

And, it can never be late to take a U-turn and come back to God. He is waiting to heal and restore you. The moment you surrender your life completely to God, He forgives you of your past mistakes and gives you a new beginning.

Have a Bad Past and Can’t Get Over?

Forget what happened long ago! Don’t think about the past. I am creating something new. There it is! Do you see it? (Isa 43:19, CEV).

The devil may use people and situations around you to remind you of your past, but this is where you have to renew your mind, meditate on the Word of God and refuse to go into the pity party mode. (Also don’t fall into the trap of getting into a new relationship without getting healed of your past hurts. Rather during this period, get to know Jesus more.)

Know That God Had No Role In The Bad Happened

Secondly know that God had no role in what has happened to you. The Bible says that God is good and He does only good (Psa 119:68). Anything that is bad is not from God, but a result of the choices we make. In fact, God is the one who is for you and is still working to turn it around for your good (Rom 8:28).

So, take your brokenness to God and allow Him to heal you. Just as God forgave you, you forgive yourself and the people who caused you hurt. (Forgiving doesn’t mean trusting.)

This is an excerpt from the book “Girls Here’s What You Never Knew…God’s way to fireproof you from relationship pitfalls.” To get the book head to

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