Hmm… Very easy to quote this Scripture, isn’t it?
And if you’ve been in the church long enough, I’m sure you even know it by heart but the truth is not many of us truly understand this Scripture and hence cannot come to terms and believe that our Father in heaven actually speaks this over us.
Before we go on to understand this scripture let me share this with you. All my life I had a problem with the way I looked. I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror and more often complained of how if only I was a little fair, or if I was a little curvy, or if only this or that was slightly different wouldn’t it be so much better? And remember, all this while I knew this verse by heart, yet believed these lies.
And why was that?
Because of ‘words’!
Well, the enemy is a master at planting tares. All he has to do is slip one lie in your ear and that lie keeps piling up. Years down the line you’re putting loads of brightening creams to change your look and you don’t even know that the root actually began when some aunty came and said “why are you so dark, who will marry you” or when your neighbor came and called you a raccoon because you had dark circles.
But God wants to set you free today!
One day while I was in the house of God with my spiritual parents, my father called out my name and said to me “Do you know you’re beautiful?”
When I heard those words I couldn’t help but start weeping. He went on to say “This is what God told me to tell you, it’s not so much about the outward beauty as much as the inner”. When he spoke that over me, I could see all the words that people spoke over me in all these years that I was holding deep down break and fall to the ground and I saw the love of the Father like never before.
Knowing things in the head is not enough.
Girls, just knowing things in the head is not enough!
So often we read that verse and think “God knit my body” and back of our minds we think, “couldn’t He have done a better job?” But the truth is, God, knit your spirit and made you perfect, in glory as His original plan. As my spiritual father says, “the earth suit (physical body) that you see is what your parents gave you, but your spirit, ah, that’s made of the DNA of God.”
And therefore, when God sees your spirit He says, “ahh, My beloved daughter, you’re fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Now, can you see what this verse truly means and how God speaks this over you?
You know, from the day I understood this, I can look up boldly, the love of the Father secures my heart. And even if the enemy uses people to speak words over me, I can still stand up boldly and say “Shehh, My Father says I’m beautiful, you shut up!”
Hey, you may feel that you’re just reading these words from a blog post, but I urge you to look in the spirit. Right now, God is calling out your name and speaking this over you!
I pray as you see this in the spirit and receive understanding, let all the words that people have spoken over you break and fall to the ground in Jesus’ name. I pray that right now the love of God will secure your heart and you will be able to refute every lie of the enemy that says ‘You’re not beautiful.
Rinnah Poshe